
Windrush Lessons Learned Review: Independent Advisory Group terms of reference

Updated 21 October 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

1. The purpose of the Independent Advisory Group

The purpose of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) is to provide scrutiny, challenge and validation for the Windrush Lessons Learned Review (review). The IAG will act in an advisory capacity to the review. The intention is that the IAG, when giving advice, will make a distinctive contribution by drawing on their personal and professional experience.

2. The remit

The IAG is a temporary group that will operate during period of the review. The IAG will:

  • act in an advisory capacity to support the Independent Adviser (IA) to meet the 6 objectives as set in the Windrush Lessons Learned Review terms of reference
  • support the IA to steer the review including identifying appropriate lines of enquiry and using their expertise to ensure the correct judgements are being made
  • support the IA to identify any gaps in the evidence that the review gathers
  • review progress on the Windrush Lessons Learned Review and provide suggestions for necessary actions at key review milestones
  • make suggestions about who the IA, or the review team, should engage with so as to meet the objectives of the review
  • support the IA in drawing conclusions from the review and proposing recommendations

The Independent Adviser will:

  • seek the views of the IAG and share appropriate information, in a timely way, throughout the review so as to allow them to fulfil the remit as set out above
  • also share emerging findings with the IAG for their consideration
  • at all times be responsible for determining the final findings, report and recommendations

3. Membership and leadership

The IAG will be chaired by the IA to the Windrush Lessons Learned Review.

The membership of the IAG will be appointed by the IA.

The strength of IAG will come from the wide range of perspectives and experience that its members will offer and members will offer their expertise on an individual basis. There will be no requirement for the IAG to come to a collective or consensus view on the advice or direction given to the IA.

The Independent Advisor will be solely responsible for the final report.

Members will not be paid. Members will be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses (including travel, subsistence and other expenses) in line with the relevant Home Office policies applicable to civil servants which are properly and necessarily incurred in respect of your appointment.

Membership of the IAG is set out below and has taken into consideration relevant skills, expertise and experience, representations and diversity.

4. Confidentiality

Members will have privileged access to information about the review and will be expected to abide by any instructions on how/whether this information can be shared.

The IA will seek the advice of the Home Office Windrush Lessons Learned Review director before sharing any protected documentation with the Independent Advisory Group.

5. Attendance at meetings

Initially the IAG will meet every 3 to 4 weeks. This will be kept under review as the review progresses.

Where necessary the IA will also call on individual members’ expertise outside of the formal meeting structure of the IAG.

Relevant members of the IA’s team and the Home Office Windrush Lessons Learned Review team will join the group where appropriate.

6. Reporting

Draft minutes and action points will be circulated within 5 days of the meeting for comments.

Minutes will be approved at the subsequent meeting.