Winter health watch summary: 14 November 2013
Published 14 November 2013
1. Summary
- All regions of England have been at Cold Weather Alert level 1 ‘winter preparedness and action’ since 1 November 2013.
- No significant excess all-cause mortality was reported across the UK in week 45 (4 November to 10 November 2013).
- Syndromic surveillance indicates national increases in bronchitis/bronchiolitis and acute respiratory infection emergency department attendances, particularly in children aged <5 years old, in week 45 (4 November to 10 November 2013). This is consistent with increasing respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity, observed through microbiological surveillance.
- Indicators of influenza activity are at minimal levels suggesting no community transmission at present.
- The number of laboratory reports of norovirus and activity in hospitals and prisons is around levels expected for this time of year. Rotavirus activity is around levels expected for this time of year.
2. Surveillance reports, updated weekly
PHE syndromic surveillance page
PHE national seasonal influenza report
PHE weekly all-cause mortality surveillance
3. Further information
NHS England winter health check
Met Office Get Ready for Winter