Winter health watch summary: 6 February 2014
Published 6 February 2014
1. Summary
All regions of England have been at Cold Weather Alert Level 1 ‘winter preparedness and action’ since 1 November 2013.
The majority of indicators of influenza activity are at similar levels in week 5 compared to week 4. A letter has been issued recommending the use of antivirals where appropriate.
Syndromic surveillance report that nationally, there have been further slight increases in selected respiratory indicators during week 5 including acute respiratory and upper respiratory tract infections. Indicators for influenza-like illness remained stable during week 5 and below seasonally expected levels.
Norovirus activity is low. Reports of outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting in hospitals continue to be reported but at lower levels than in previous years. The number of laboratory reports of norovirus in the season to date is lower than the 5 year seasonal average (from season 2007 to 2008 to season 2011 to 2012).
Rotavirus activity is low, laboratory reports are lower than the 10 year average (2002 to 2011). The decreased rotavirus activity may be associated with the introduction of the oral vaccine in July 2013. This effect should become apparent as we move into the rotavirus season.
In week 5 of 2014, no excess all-cause mortality by week of death was seen across the UK through the EuroMOMO algorithm and none has been reported since week 40 2013.
2. Surveillance reports, updated weekly
PHE syndromic surveillance page
PHE national seasonal influenza report
PHE weekly all-cause mortality surveillance
3. Further information
NHS England winter health check
Met Office Get Ready for Winter