Woodfuel Disclosure Survey
The Woodfuel Disclosure Survey 2015 summarises the sustainability of biomass used to generate electricity in 2013/14 and the expected use of biomass over the next five years
The Woodfuel Disclosure Survey is a part of the government’s analysis of the sustainability of woody biomass. The document is a repeat of some work published in 2013 and contains analysis and summary of two sets of woody biomass sustainability data.
The first dataset analyses the sustainability data that biomass generators must provide OFGEM under the RO and covers the 2013/14 period and summarises the type of wood being used for electricity.
The second dataset is taken from a voluntary survey of the largest biomass generators (>50MW) and provides an indication of the types of wood that will be used in the next five years, and some more detailed sustainability questions about biomass used in 2013/14