How to complete your Woodland Tree Health grant application by email or post
Updated 13 February 2025
Applies to England
Before you apply for a Woodland Tree Health (WTH) grant, check the applicant’s guide to make sure you’re eligible.
To submit your application by email or post, you’ll need to complete an:
- application form
- annex document
- application map
Complete your application form
Download the WTH application form from GOV.UK.
If you cannot access GOV.UK, request a copy by email or telephone 03000 200 301.
Ask for an application annex
You also need to fill in a WTH annex as part of your application. Email, or call us, to get a copy.
Prepare a map to support your application
You must provide a map showing the area of the woodland you are including in your proposed WTH grant application and send this with your application form. The map needs to be clear, readable and meet the minimum mapping standards (explained in this guide).
We suggest you complete the annex and your map alongside each other. This means you can add your capital item in the annex, then mark it on the map as you go along.
How to create a map
You can create the map yourself, if it meets the minimum mapping standards, or you can request one using the Forestry Commission map request service.
The map (or maps) you provide should be based on Ordnance Survey (OS) maps or Geographical Information System (GIS) generated digital maps.
Maps should be based on a scale of 1:2500 or 1:5000 or for large schemes 1:10000. If you are using a GIS based map at a non-standard scale, add a scale bar to the map so that this can be used to measure lengths.
You should mark the land parcel references and your single business identifier (SBI) clearly on the map.
If you’re sending your supporting documents to us by email, send us your map as a PDF file.
Minimum mapping standards
If you create your own application map, or are marking up a map you’ve received from the Forestry Commission map request service, you must:
- show whole land parcels with land parcel references and a clear boundary for the extent of your Woodland management plan
- number each map and include the total number of maps you’re submitting, for example ‘map 1 of 3’
- write your SBI – consisting of 9 digits, the application year and agreement title (as shown on the application form) on the top right of the map
- write the name of business or applicant on the right-hand side of the map – this should be the name that is registered with us for your SBI
- write a 6-figure OS grid reference for the centre of the map on the bottom left of the map
- use black ink when you write on the map
Complete the WTH annex
The WTH annex is designed to capture all the information needed to complete your WTH application. This includes information about your land parcels, any prior agreements on the holding and the capital items you want to apply for on each land parcel. Enter as much detail as you can in this annex.
You can apply for a WTH grant on land parcels which already have a Countryside Stewardship or Sustainable Farming Incentive agreement. However, the grant application cannot include any work which is already required by the existing scheme or is a breach of the conditions of your existing agreement.
Filling in the annex electronically
Open the annex that you’ve download and saved on your computer. Begin with the ‘START HERE’ tab.
Complete Annex A before Annex B - the information you enter pre-populates the next annexes where relevant, to save you time.
If you can, you should fill in the Woodland management plan annex electronically so that your Forestry Commission woodland adviser has access to your self-calculating WTH annex.
Filling in the annex manually
If you’re completing a paper annex, it does not contain any pre-populated information, so you need to write all the information into it.
Start your application by completing the ‘start here’ worksheet. The information carries through to the other annexes as you complete them, so this information must be accurate. Enter all information in the yellow cells.
Information you must include in the application annex worksheet
The worksheet is used to show sites of special scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Scheduled Monuments (SMs). Enter all information in the yellow cells.
Name of lead applicant - enter the lead applicant’s full name. This must match a named applicant on the application form.
Single business identifier (SBI) - enter the application SBI. This must match the application form.
Name of woodland - enter the name of the woodland (maximum 20 characters).
In which county is most of the land in your application? State the county in which most of the land in the application is located.
Which Forestry Commission area team will be advising you? Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then select the Forestry Commission area team who cover the area where your woodland is located. Use the Forestry Commission Area and woodland adviser boundaries map to check which team to select. Search for ‘Forestry Commission area offices’ on GOV.UK.
What is the grid reference of the centre of your woodland? Enter the 6-figure grid reference of the centre of your woodland.
Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to indicate the woodland support you are applying for - select either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown menu to confirm whether your application is for tree health restoration, tree health improvement, or both.
Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to indicate if you have a SSSI or SM on the land included in this application - for each land parcel, confirm whether there is a SSSI or a SM on the land parcel. Click into these boxes in this row, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Please select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to indicate if the area intended for your application contains the listed designations - confirm whether there is a special area of conservation or a tree preservation order on the area intended for your application. Click into the boxes in this row, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Annex A: land summary
Use this annex to list all the land parcels included in your application (only include the land parcels that you will be using in your woodland tree health application, not all the land parcels linked to your SBI). This information populates into other annexes, so it must be accurate.
Complete this annex in full with all relevant land parcels before you complete the rest of the annexes.
Ordnance Survey (OS) map sheet ref or National Grid number
Enter the land parcel number from the Rural Payments service for each land parcel in the format LP1234 5678. Enter the land parcel reference number, not the grid reference.
You can only enter one land parcel number on each line. Only include land parcels being used in your Woodland Tree Health application and only enter each land parcel once in this annex.
This information is populated into Annex B and C.
Total area of this parcel
Enter the total area (to 4 decimal places) of this land parcel in hectares (ha). This is the full area of the land parcel, whether it contains proposed capital items or not. This information is populated into Annex B and C.
Are you including this parcel in a WTH restoration application?
Confirm if you are including this land parcel in a WTH restoration application. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
This information is populated into Annex B.
Are you including this parcel in a WTH improvement application?
Confirm if you are including this land parcel in a WTH improvement application. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. This information is populated into Annex C.
Compartments and sub compartments in this parcel
Providing compartment and sub compartment information for each parcel is optional.
Existing English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) agreements on this parcel?
For each land parcel, confirm whether there is an existing EWGS agreement on this parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Complete all the following cells in yellow, cells in grey do not need to be completed.
How many hectares of this parcel are under an EWGS agreement?
Enter the total area of the land (to four decimal places) in this parcel which is under a live EWGS agreement.
What is or are the EWGS agreement number(s)?
Enter all EWGS agreement numbers associated with this parcel, using the format 30000.
What is or are the expiry date(s) of the EWGS agreement(s)?
Enter the expiry dates for each EWGS agreement number in the same order.
What type is or are the EWGS agreement(s) or consent?
Use the key provided above the table in the same annex, enter the appropriate code representing the relevant EWGS agreement(s) in the parcel.
Are there any outstanding claims due to be paid?
Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Is there any risk of dual funding from EWGS?
Leave blank - this will be used by your Forestry Commission woodland adviser.
Annex B: restoration items and detail
Use this annex to answer specific tree health questions about the pests or diseases your application relates to and outline the restocking information.
List the number of tree health restoration capital items you are applying for on each land parcel. This information must be broken down for each land parcel or compartment within a land parcel. For example, the number of trees, guard or metres of fence, must be documented for each land parcel included in the application.
You can select the same parcel more than once in this annex to enter a different work area with different requirements.
The total cost of the proposed work will be shown as well as the ‘amount per hectare’ calculation. If the proposed work exceeds the payment cap, a message will appear in the annex spreadsheet, and you will have to adjust the capital items applied for to bring the value below the cap.
The cap depends on the type of trees planted and if the site is an ancient woodland. The native tree species cap applies where over 80% of restocked trees are native tree species. If over 20% of restocked trees are non-native species, the non-native cap applies.
For native tree species the cap is:
- £6,000 per hectare for ancient woodland
- £4,720 per hectare for other woodland
For non-native tree species the cap is:
- £3,000 per hectare for ancient woodland
- £3,850 per hectare for other woodland
For confirmation on which tree species are classed as native or non-native, please check with your Forestry Commission woodland adviser.
This annex pre-populates other annexes.
OS map sheet reference (National Grid number)
For each land parcel, click into the box in this column, click the dropdown arrow, then choose the relevant land parcel from the list. If you use a paper form, you must write all the information on the form.
You can select the same parcel more than once in this annex to enter a different work area with different requirements.
Total area of this parcel (ha)
This pre-populates from the information you entered in Annex A.
You cannot edit this cell.
Compartments and sub compartments in this land parcel (optional)
You can enter each compartment listed for the land parcel in Annex A or you can leave this blank.
Proposed work area in this parcel hectares (ha)
Enter the proposed work area (to 4 decimal places) for each land parcel selection. This cannot exceed the total area of the land parcel selected.
This information is used to pre-populate the number of trees in your parcel – shown as TE4 capital item.
Phytophthora infected larch or sweet chestnut, or sweet chestnut infected with blight
Confirm whether the infections are present in the land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Phytophthora’, ‘Sweet chestnut blight’, ‘Both’ or ‘No’. If you use a paper annex, you need to write the information onto the paper form.
If infection present, what is the statutory plant health notice (SPHN) number?
If you selected ‘Phytophthora’, ‘Sweet chestnut blight’ or ‘Both’, enter the relevant SPHN number.
Phytophthora infected western hemlock or Douglas fir
Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears to confirm either ‘Phytophthora’ or ‘No’. If you use a paper annex, you need to write the information onto the paper form.
If infection present, what is the SPHN number?
If you selected ‘Phytophthora’ or ‘Both’, enter the relevant SPHN number.
Chalara infected ash
Confirm whether Chalara infected ash are present in the land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears to confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If you select ‘No’, you do not need to complete the cells that follow highlighted in grey. If you use a paper annex, you need to write the information onto the paper form.
If yes, Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) or the Forestry Commission (FC) must confirm the presence of Chalara.
Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes – FC’, ‘Yes – APHA’ or ‘No’. If you use a paper annex, you need to write the information onto the paper form.
If required, have you obtained a felling licence from the Forestry Commission?
Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’. If you have provided an SPHN number, you can select ‘N/A’ from the dropdown menu.
Is the restocking on an Ancient Woodland site?
Confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown menu.
You must make sure any proposed restocking under a Woodland Tree Health grant meets with the UKFS.
What is the proposed restock tree species for this field parcel?
Confirm either ‘Native’ or ‘Non-native’ from the dropdown menu.
Woodland advisers can advise on suitable restocking for specific sites in line with UKFS and applicable felling licence conditions.
Stocking density
Enter the stocking density of this work area/land parcel for restocking.
Stocking density is the number of stems per ha of planted area, excluding open space.
This value will be used to calculate the number of trees in your work area.
This information is used to calculate the number of trees in your parcel and then populate this value into the TE4 capital item column.
Percentage (%) internal open space in this block
Enter the internal open space in the woodland block. This may not exceed 20%.
The definition of what is open space is ‘integral open space that is limited to 20% of the total forest area and individual open spaces that do not exceed 0.5 ha or 20 metres in width. Any larger open areas shall not be considered as ‘forest’. Open space shall include forest tracks, rides, wayleaves and other permanent open areas.’
This information is used to calculate the number of trees in your parcel and then populate this value into the TE4 capital item column.
All species in this block
Enter a list of the species to be planted in this woodland block. You can use either accepted abbreviations, for example, OK, BE, or use full names.
Species %
You must include all species, and the values must add up to 100%.
Payment cap per ha
This pre-populates based on the answer to previous tree health questions.
You cannot edit this cell.
Total payment cap for proposed work area
This pre-populates based on previous tree health questions.
You cannot edit this cell.
Capital items on this field parcel with per unit cost
Enter the amount of each capital item you want to apply for on each land parcel and work area. A short description of each item can be found by hovering over the item code. Enter all measurements for fencing items to 4 decimal places.
Item TE4: Supply and plant a tree, will pre-populate after you’ve entered values for proposed work area in this land parcel, the stocking density and the percentage internal open space.
Total cost of proposed work area
This is a calculation of the cost of all capital items proposed on this land parcel and work area. It calculates automatically as capital items are added. If the payment cap is exceeded, the value will be highlighted orange, and a message will appear. You cannot edit this cell. Please resolve this before submission.
Cost per ha of proposed work area in this parcel
This is a calculation of the cost per hectare in this land parcel and work area. It calculates and populates automatically.
You cannot edit this cell.
Annex C: Improvement capital items
Use this annex to list the type of Tree Health improvement activity, such as SB6 rhododendron control or SB1: Scrub control and felling diseased trees. Confirm eligibility for this element of the grant and, identify and list the number of tree health improvement capital items you are applying for on each land parcel. This information must be listed for each land parcel included in the application.
You can select the same parcel more than once in this annex to enter a different work area with different requirements.
This annex populates other annexes.
OS map sheet ref (National Grid number)
Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then select the land parcel from the dropdown menu. You must have completed Annex A in full to complete this annex. You can select the same parcel more than once in this annex to enter a different work area with different requirements.
Do not copy and paste values – select from drop down menus.
Total area of this parcel (ha)
This information will be pre-populated after you select a land parcel from the dropdown menu in the previous column using the information provided in Annex A.
You cannot edit this cell.
Compartments and sub compartments in this land parcel (optional)
Providing compartment and sub-compartment information for each parcel is optional. You can use this column to enter the woodland compartments and sub-compartments for the land parcel.
If a parcel covers multiple woodland compartments, you may list multiple compartments in one row against a single land parcel.
Are you applying for support to control rhododendron (item SB6) on this parcel?
Confirm if you want to apply for support to control rhododendron on this land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If yes, how are you confirming your eligibility?
To be eligible to receive grant support for Rhododendron control, the rhododendron must either be infected with Phytophthora Ramorum or Phytophthora Kernoviea. This must be either confirmed by a SPHN or be within 3km of a SPHN.
If you confirmed ‘Yes’ in the previous column, select ‘Written confirmation of infection’, ‘within 3km of an SPHN’ or ‘Both’ from the dropdown menu.
Are you applying for support to fell diseased trees (item SB1) on this parcel?
Confirm if you want to apply for support to fell diseased trees on this land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If yes, what is your SPHN number?
A SPHN is required to be eligible for grant support to fell diseased trees.
Enter the SPHN number in this column.
Total area of rhododendron control (item SB6) in this field parcel (ha)
Enter the total proposed work area, to 4 decimal places, for rhododendron control in this land parcel.
Option code and description
Select the appropriate option code (SB6a, SB6b or SB6c) according to the most accurate description of the slope and size of the rhododendron.
Payment (per ha)
This calculates automatically using the option code you select in the previous column.
You cannot edit this cell.
Total amount payable for rhododendron control in this work area
The total amount payable for the proposed rhododendron control work is calculated automatically using the total area of rhododendron control in the land parcel and the item code selected.
You cannot edit this cell.
Total area of diseased trees to be felled (item SB1) in this field parcel (ha)
Enter the total proposed work area, to 4 decimal places, for felling immature larch infected with Phytophthora ramorum or immature Western hemlock /Douglas fir with Phytopthora pluvialis, in the selected land parcel.
Option code and description
Select the appropriate option code (SB1a, SB1b, SB1c, SB1d, SB1e, SB1f) according to the most accurate description of the method of cut and stem diameter).
Payment (per ha)
This calculates automatically using the option code you selected in the previous column.
You cannot edit this cell.
Total amount payable for felling diseased trees in this work area
The total amount payable for the proposed felling diseased trees work is calculated automatically using the total area of diseased trees to be felled and the item code selected.
You cannot edit this cell.
Annex D: grant totals
This tab gives a summary of the grant totals for each capital item selected in your application. This tab automatically populates using information you enter in the annexes.
You can use this tab to confirm for yourself the value of your application.
Capital item or option
A summary of the capital items for Restoration or Improvement, or both, that you selected in this application.
You cannot edit this cell.
Overall quantity in this application
A summary of the quantity per capital item that you selected in this application.
You cannot edit this cell.
Overall cost for this item in this application
A summary of the total cost of the proposed work (not the total amount available -. the payment cap) for each capital item.
You cannot edit this cell.
WTH Restoration summary
This worksheet provides a summary of your application.
Question/column | Guidance |
Total planting area in this application (ha) | Summarises the total work area, to four decimal places, included in this application |
Total cost for TE4 and TE5 | Summarises the total cost for the capital items selected |
Total cost for all boundaries and gates | Summarises the total cost of the capital items selected |
Total amount payable | Summarises the total amount payable for this application for Tree Health Restoration |
Improvement items
This worksheet provides a summary of your application.
Question/Column | Guidance |
Total area of rhododendron control or diseased tree felling in this application (ha) | Summarises the total work area, to four decimal places, included in this application |
Total cost for SB6 | Summarises the total cost for the capital items selected |
Total cost for SB1 | Summarises the total cost of the capital items selected |
Total amount payable | Summarises the total amount payable for this application for Tree Health Improvement |
Application declaration
Fill in Section 2: Declaration and undertakings to confirm that you have read and understood the requirements of the scheme and the undertakings that you are making in submitting your application.
Read the declaration, undertakings and warning carefully.
If you are submitting your application by post, sign Section 2 and enter your name in block letters, your capacity (for example sole trader, company director, agent and so on) and the date of your signature.
If you are submitting your application online, you do not need to sign the declaration.
Make sure you have:
- completed all relevant parts of the application form, including signing and dating Section 2
- checked that all your land and business details are up to date and correct on the Rural Payments service
- ‘Submit’ permissions access in the Rural Payments service, if you’re acting as an agent
- completed map(s) showing the land parcels in this application
- attached any relevant supporting documents or evidence
- attached any continuation sheets you’ve used in your application
For the capital item descriptions, search Grant finder on GOV.UK.
Submit your application
You can submit your application by email or post.
Submit by email
Send us all parts of the completed form, together with maps and other supporting documents and remember to include the annex with your application.
Email them to us at: and put ‘Countryside Stewardship, Woodland Tree Health grant application, 2024, [SBI] as the title.
Make sure you put your SBI in your email and on all documents.
The maximum size of emails we can accept is 32MB. If the email exceeds this limit, please send a further email and use the same subject heading. Add the number of emails at the end of the subject heading, for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3.
For security reasons, we cannot accept discs, USB pen drives or other external storage media.
You’ll receive an automated email to confirm we have received your application. Check your spam mailbox if you don’t receive this.
Submit by post
If you prefer, you can post them to us at our address in the ‘Important information about your application’ document attached to your application form. Put your SBI on everything you send to us.
If you are sending the form to us by post, you must sign your application and any supporting forms.
For any documents you send us by post, we recommend that you get proof of postage. You’re advised to keep a copy of your completed application form and maps.
You can post the documents to:
Rural Payments Agency
PO Box 324
S95 1DF
After you’ve applied
When we receive your application, we’ll check that:
- you meet the eligibility requirements
- all the details have been entered on your application form and annexes
- all your maps have been completed
If your application fails these checks, we will let you know what’s wrong and how to correct this (if applicable).