Work-based learners and the Prevent statutory duty
Guidance for further education (FE) providers in England on the Prevent duty in work-based learning environments
Applies to England
This guidance is for:
- FE colleges
- skills providers within the FE sector who are classed as Specified Authorities, as outlined in Schedule 6 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
This guidance covers:
- what the Prevent duty is
- your safeguarding responsibilities
- recommendations on recruitment, induction and ongoing assessment
Schools and childcare providers can also read the protecting children from radicalisation guidance.
Preventing extremism in education settings
Contact form https://report-extremi...
Telephone 020 7340 7264
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 11am to 3pm (excluding bank holidays)
You can report concerns about extremism related to education settings in England, including allegations about institutions, staff and external people or organisations trying to influence settings.