Work Programme provider guidance
The Work Programme is closed, this guidance is for reference only.
Read the Work Programme live running memos for updates to the Work Programme provider guidance.
Read the guidance for providers working with Universal Credit claimants.
Read the guidance for providers in contract package area 18.
On and off benefit scans guidance
The on and off benefit scans guidance is to help providers when a participant’s benefit claim changes.
Provider Direct guidance
Provider Direct is a telephone helpline service for Work Programme providers.
Work Programme provider tools
The Work Programme provider tools are to help providers with the Work Programme.
Updates to this page
Published a revised chapter 6: raising a compliance doubt (now version 33, dated November 18) - revised information about the Labour Market Decision Making team for Work Programme sanction referrals and re-compliance notifications.
Revised chapter 3a (now version 17) - references to Universal Jobmatch have been replaced by the new 'Find a Job' service.
Revised chapters 10 (version 10) and 13 (version 12) - both are now dated May 2018. Content updated because referrals to Work Choice and Work First Scotland have finished.
Published revised versions of the following chapters: 3b (version 6), 3c (version 10), 4 (version 20), 4b (version 5), 5 (version 14), 6 (version 33), 7 (version 15), 8 (version 9), 11 (version 7), 12 (version 5), 14 (version 3), 16 (version 11), 17 (version 6), 19 (version 6), 20 (version 15) and 21 (version 2). All the revised versions are dated 09.04.2018.
Published a revised chapter 16 (version 10, dated February 2018) - the contact details for the Independent Case Examiner (ICE) have been updated.
Revised chapter 15 (version 4, January 2018). Change made to the last bullet point in the 'Please note' section of the Job outcome Payments definition and the last bullet point of the Sustainment Outcome Payments definition.
Revised chapter 6 (version 32, November 2017) - chapter updated to reflect that there is only one LMDM service centre now, in Merthyr Tydfil.
Revised chapters 2 (version 17, dated 17 May 2017), 4b (version 4, dated 8 May 2017) and 6 (version 31, dated May 2017).
Revised chapter 11 (version 6 May 2017).
Revised chapter 10 (version 9, April 2017) and chapter 13 (version 11, March 2017). The revised chapters now include information about Work First Scotland.
Revised chapters 1 (version 7), 2 (version 16) and 4 (version 19) - updated because referrals to the programme ended on 31 March 2017. The guidance is now for existing Work Programme participants only.
Published revised Chapter 20 (dated 30/01/2017, version 14). Also revised versions of the following forms: 'Wage Incentive bank account details form (BA1YC)', 'Youth Contract bulk claim form (YCWI2)' and 'Work Choice bulk claim form (WCWI2)'. The revised versions include a new address for the Provider Payment Validation Team (PPVT).
Revised chapter 3c - version 9 (dated 31/10/2016).
Published revised versions of chapter 9 (version 13.1) and chapter 9 annex 3: PRaP11J job details annex (still version 1.0, dated 04/03/13). Also published a new form - chapter 9 annex 3: PRaP11WP (SCR) Clerical Claim for a Outcome Payment (For Special Customer Records) (version 3.0, dated 09/06/2016).
Revised chapter 17 - version 5 (dated September 2016).
Revised chapter 6, version 30 (15 July 2016). Changes to annex 1 decision making sites.
Revised chapter 5 - version 13 (dated 08/06/2016).
Revised chapter 4 - version 18, dated 22 April 2016.
Revised chapter 7 - version 14, dated 16 May 2016.
Revised chapter 11 - version 5, dated April 2016.
Revised chapter 6 - version 29, dated 18 April 2016.
Revised chapter 13 - version 10, dated 23 March 2016.
Published chapter 4b - no changes to the guidance, but chapter is now correctly named version 3. It was incorrectly named version 4 when published on 15 March 2016.
Updated chapter 2 (version 15), chapter 4b (version 4), chapter 13 (Version 9), chapter 17 (version 4) and chapter 19 (version 5). Also added a Welsh language version of the WP4a letter.
Updated chapter 1 (version 6, dated 4 March 2016), chapter 3a (version 16, dated 29 February 2015), chapter 3c (version 8, dated 29/02/2016) and chapter 8 (version 8, dated 4 March 2016).
Revised chapter 3b - version 5 (25/01/2016).
Revised chapter 9, version 13 (26 January 2016). Paragraph 36 updated with information about HMRC Real Time Information (RTI).
Replaced chapter 9, paragraph 12 with revised version.
Revised chapter 3a (version 15), chapter 4 (version 16), chapter 4b (version 2), chapter 5 (version 11), chapter 6 (version 27) and chapter 18: form WP08 (dated 10/2015). Updated guidance includes improvements to the safeguarding process for Employment and Support Allowance claimants.
Removed the XLS version of WP08 (clerical form) from chapter 18 because it's out of date.
Removed chapter 7- Re-engagement and reviewing a sanction (pre 22 October 2012) - obsolete.
Revised WP08 interactive form - chapter 18.
Revised chapter 16 - version 8 (July 2015) includes new address to use for the Independent Case Examiner.
Revised chapter 6 - version 25 (01/06/2015), includes further information about safeguarding vulnerable participants.
Revised chapter 6 - version 24 (19/05/2015).
Published new chapter 4b - safeguarding and vulnerability (version 1). Also revised chapter 3a (version 13), chapter 4 (version 14), chapter 5 (version 9) and chapter 6 (version 23).
Revised chapter 2 (version 13) includes new note about the Work Programme for prison leavers and revised chapter 4 (version 13) includes new information about rehabilitation for prisoners.
Revised chapter 4 - version 12 (14/04/2015), includes new information about participants who need additional support.
Revised chapters 3a (version 12), 5 (version 8) and 8 (version 7) - updated with guidance on extended periods of sickness for JSA participants. Chapter 5 also updated with migrant access to benefits guidance.
Revised chapter 13 (version 8) updated with new information about the Wheels to Work scheme.
Revised chapter 4 - version 11 (23/03/2015), includes new information about the Claimant Commitment.
Published revised chapter 5 - version 7 (09/03/2015).
Added WP08 interactive form - chapter 18.
Published revised chapters 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 20.
Published new form PRE01 (provider refusal of employment referral form), revised chapter 6 includes guidance about the new form and revised chapter 3a includes new sanctions information.
Published revised version of the PRaP error notification form (PPVT1).
Revised chapter 9 published, provides the latest information about the evidence and validation requirements for Work Programme payments.
Published revised versions of chapters 2, 3a and 13.
Published new version of WP08 clerical form - revised version is dated August 2104.
Revised versions of chapters 2, 4, 5, 6 and 20 published.
Published revised version of Failure to participate in a Work Programme - (WP08 Email form)
Revised version of form WP07b (change of circumstances) published.
Published revised versions of chapters 2, 3a, 6 and 7 and forms WP08 and WP09
Published a revised version of chapter 9 - Work Programme Evidencing/Validating Payments.
Published revised versions of chapters 6, 7, 10 and 16.
Published revised chapter 6 - raising a compliance doubt, version 16.
Published 'on and off benefit scans' provider guidance.
Revised chapters 6, 7 and 8 published.
Revised versions of chapters 9, 10 and 13 published.
Revised chapter 20 published.
Revised chapter 9 published.
Revised chapters 1, 5 and 6 published.
First published.