One-day Small Workboat Stability Course Syllabus
Published 6 May 2014
1. Syllabus
- General terms in use.
- General Principles of Transverse Stability:
1.Location of CoG, K, M, CoB;
- Rolling and shift of CoB;
- Theory of Moments, Righting levers, List & heel; and
- Equilibriums.
- Adding, removing and shifting weights:
- Simple calculation of transverse stability and effects on draft;
- General understanding of change of trim;
- Trimming moments;
- Longitudinal Metacentre & LCF; and
- Importance of monitoring of any changes, regular checks.
- The Stability Booklet.
- Stiff and tender vessels.
- Use of cranes and shift of CoG.
- Free Surface Effect:
- Tanks;
- Consumption of fuel and water; and
- Water on deck.
- Critical KG calculations (Transverse Stability).
- Inclining Test.
- Deck edge Immersion.
- Catamaran stability.
- Risks associated with Tug and Tow.
- Risks associated with deck cargoes.
- Wind & Ice accretion Effects.
2. Assessment
The above one-day course includes a short 45-minute written exam which tests the knowledge and understanding of the students.
Pass mark: - Minimum 60 %