Wraparound childcare: guidance for local authorities
Explains the role of local authorities and the funding they'll get to expand the availability of wraparound care in their areas from September 2024.
Applies to England
The national wraparound childcare programme provides grant funding to local authorities in England to help make sure that there is sufficient childcare such as breakfast and after-school clubs in their area.
This guidance for local authorities explains:
- the aims and objectives of the programme
- what the funding covers
- how the funding will be allocated
The grant determination letter and allocation metholodogy is also available.
Updates to this page
Updated the 'National wraparound childcare programme handbook: a guide for local authorities' to clarify the role of schools and provide extra information on funding and transport policy.
Updated 'Annex C: local authority capacity delivery plan template': duplicate column deleted and removed incorrect formulas.
First published.