How to apply for a yacht rating certificate
Complete form MSF 4340, to apply for a yacht rating certificate for commercially and privately owned yachts and sail training vessels less than 3000 GT
Please post your application and original (except passport) documents to us.
Please read the guidance notes and instructions on pages 6 and 7 when completing the application.
MSN 1862 Amendment 1 gives additional information.
Please provide an email address in block capitals for us to inform you that we have received your application.
The MCA is unable to provide a counter service.
Updates to this page
New HMTL guidance for yacht rating attachment created.
Updated guidance within the form regarding countersignatory requirements.
Form updated - accepting applications by post only
Added you wording regarding COVID measures
COVID-19 update (unable to accept applications by post)
Updated form version
Updated form version
Application form updated with fee change.
summary updated
Application form updated
Application form has been updated. Title change.
First published.