
Your dog and you on MOD land (accessible version)

Updated 27 January 2025

Dangers on MOD land

Responsible dog owners are welcome on MOD land to enjoy the recreation opportunities available to them. Please remember that the MOD estate is used for a variety of military training, ranging from heavy armoured vehicle manoeuvres, to simulated land battles, to more covert tactical training.

All pose a risk to the unaware dog walker.

The MOD has a presumption in favour of public access where this is compatible with operational and military training, public safety and interests of its tenants. We welcome responsible use of the land but we would ask that you keep to the public rights of way and other designated access areas.

MOD land provides the perfect environment for a range of military training. As well as visible vehicle training, troops may be crawling through the undergrowth, taking up stationary posts and remaining in position for numerous days. It may not be obvious where they are.

Toxocariasis in humans

Please be respectful of our troops, pick up after your dog and keep them under effective control at all times. There is also a risk to training troops and the wider public, particularly children, from dog faeces. A host for toxicara canis, commonly known as roundworm, exposure can lead to toxocariasis in humans.

This can cause serious illness and even blindness in children. For the benefit of everyone, it is extremely important that dog faeces is picked up and disposed of appropriately.

Your safety

Where public access is permitted, you must be aware of danger areas. These are areas where live firing takes place or where there is a risk from unexploded ordnance. Danger areas are marked by signs and red flags (daytime) and red lamps (at night).

Red lights or flags mean no entry. Do not enter the danger area. You must adhere to the signs, flags and lamps at all times.

Due to the nature of MOD training there could be vehicles moving at high speed, pyrotechnics and training equipment that could be potentially harmful to you and your dog.

Dog walking do’s and don’ts

We want you and your dog to enjoy your visit to the MOD estate. Please remember that the MOD estate is primarily a military training area.

To ensure you and your dog enjoy your walk we would ask that you consider the following points when walking on MOD sites:

  • your dog trusts you to clear up after it, don’t let it down: use a pooper scooper, bag it and bin it
  • get rid of the bag responsibly: you can use any public bin for general waste
  • please keep your dog under effective control at all times:
    • keep it on a lead, or in sight at all times and be confident it will return to you promptly on command
    • ensure it does not stray off the path or from the area where you have a right of access
    • it is good practice to keep your dog on the lead at all times around livestock
  • to minimise disturbance to nesting birds, please keep your dog on a lead between 1 March and 31 July if not on a Public Right of Way
  • do not obstruct gateways or emergency access with your vehicle
  • please keep clear of any military training you see
  • listen to any directions given by military staff: it is in your dog’s interest
  • please abide by local site requirements or informations panels
  • do not let your dog pick up any metal objects found on site
  • if you are a commercial dog walker in England or Wales you must get a permit to use MOD land, unless using Public Rights of Way

Further information

Military byelaws
Commercial dog walking enquiries
Low flying
Sanctuary Magazine
DIO’s main webpage
DIO on Twitter

Please remember

Whilst the MOD is committed to ensuring that opportunities for public access are not unduly restricted, temporary or permanent restrictions will be required where operational training is underway. Access restrictions are generally defined through Military Byelaws.