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Your Vote Matters

Your Vote Matters aims to give people the knowledge and skills to influence local and national politics.


Your Vote Matters

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Watch the Hansard Society explain the resources pack:

Hansard Society video

The Your Vote Matters resource pack was developed by Hansard Society, in partnership with Homeless Link. It is aimed at those working in housing services, social landlords, tenants and residents groups, homeless people, those in temporary accommodation and their advocates. It is also a valuable resource for staff working on active citizenship with students in colleges and sixth forms.

Your Vote Matters is a step by step, easy to follow activity pack which can be used with large or small groups. The activities included are versatile and can be adapted for use at a variety of levels and in different contexts, eg within tutorial programmes, units of work on Personal and Social Development for Foundation learners or for students of Citizenship Studies at GCSE or A Level.

Updates to this page

Published 22 December 2014
Last updated 19 June 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated attachment

  2. Document updated.

  3. Added video.

  4. First published.

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