Research and analysis

Youth Justice Reinvestment Custody Pathfinder: Findings and delivery lessons from the first year of implementation

The Youth Justice Reinvestment Custody Pathfinder (Pathfinder), commissioned by the Youth Justice Board (YJB), aims to test how local authorities can be incentivised to reduce the use of youth custody for 10–17 years olds.



The pilots began in October 2011 and will run until September 2013. This report presents findings from the first year of implementation in four sites in England and Wales: one local authority and three consortia of local authorities.

Individual end of pilot targets were set, as measured by the number of custody bed nights. At the end of the first year of a two year pilot, Site 1 had already exceeded its targets, while the other three sites showed varying increases (4%, 14% and 23% respectively). The report identifies a number of factors which appeared to have facilitated or hindered implementation in the first year. The sites which made the most progress towards their targets conducted detailed data analysis to identify interventions that could be delivered with the potential to reduce custody bed nights during the first year.

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Published 29 July 2013

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