34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Italy
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Julian Braithwaite, delivers UK statement on Italy at the 34th UPR, commending their efforts to tackle all forms of modern slavery.

Thank you, Mr President,
The United Kingdom welcomes Italy’s commitment to protect human rights.
We commend Italy’s efforts to tackle all forms of modern slavery and welcome Italy’s signature of the Call to Action to End Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Forced Labour.
We note the increase in racial and discriminatory attitudes, particularly against migrants and LGBT individuals. However, we welcome the new Government’s open commitment to ensure racial and discriminatory behaviours are not tolerated.
We recommend that Italy:
1) Support businesses in addressing modern slavery in supply chains by implementing its 2016 labour exploitation legislation and encouraging agricultural businesses to sign up to the “quality agricultural labour network”.
2) Develop a multi-agency approach, including the involvement of community groups, to tackle underlying causes of racist and intolerant behaviours.
3) Adopt an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections.
Thank you.