Arrangements for publication of Lady Justice Hallett's report on the on-the-runs administrative scheme
The NI Secretary of State outlines her Human Rights obligations prior to publication of Lady Hallett's independent report on 17 July.

I would like to announce that the report of the Hallett inquiry will be published on 17 July. On that day, I will make a further statement and lay the report in both Houses.
As the person responsible for publication of the Hallett report once it is delivered to me, I have a duty to act in a way that is compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. To fulfil this duty, I need to take steps to satisfy myself that publication of the report will not breach Article 2 of the Convention by putting the lives or safety of individuals at risk.
These obligations were outlined in detail in the written statement I made on 31 October 2012, regarding the release of the de Silva Review.The same duties apply to me in relation to the Hallett report.
In order to comply with these duties, prior to publication the report has to be checked by a team of legal advisers and officials in relation to human rights and national security matters.This is in line with the approach used for the Bloody Sunday, Billy Wright and Rosemary Nelson Inquiries, and the de Silva Review.
The report is being prepared for publication by Lady Justice Hallett’s team. I will see the final report for the first time on 16 July, 24 hours before publication.
As with the publication of previous reports, I intend to grant advance sight to those who Lady Justice Hallett has recommended as being interested parties.