Crossrail Station at Woolwich
Crossrail sponsors have instructed Crossrail Limited to complete Woolwich Crossrail station.

I am pleased to inform the House that the Crossrail sponsors (the Department for Transport and Transport for London) yesterday (24 July 2013) instructed Crossrail Limited to complete the Crossrail station at Woolwich. This instruction will allow the station at Woolwich to open alongside the rest of the central section of the Crossrail route, currently scheduled to happen in December 2018.
My Rt Hon Friend Philip Hammond MP, the then Secretary of State for Transport, made a statement in February 2011 confirming that an agreement for building the station box at Woolwich had been finalised (16 Feb 2011: Column 88WS). Since then Berkeley Homes has proceeded with construction of the box, in line with that agreement. This work was completed ahead of schedule in March this year and the box has now been handed over to Crossrail Limited.
Government had always made clear that completion of the station would be conditional upon receiving sufficient funding contributions from those developers and businesses that stand to benefit from a Crossrail station at Woolwich.
The instruction to complete the station, therefore, follows the conclusion of an agreement to fund the fit-out works.
Crossrail Limited is receiving fixed additional funding of £54 million. This is made up of contributions from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, through local developer contributions and a grant from the Greater London Authority; Berkeley Homes, the site developer; and Transport for London, whose contribution will be repaid through the additional farebox revenue generated by the station.
The remainder of the funding will be provided by Crossrail Limited. Crossrail Limited had made budgetary provision for works that were required to allow trains to run through the station box. This will be reallocated to the works required to complete the station.
A fully operational station at Woolwich will support the regeneration of this part of South East London, supporting the local borough’s growth ambitions as well as significantly improving connectivity and access to job opportunities. It will also provide jobs during construction.
Crossrail Limited will now begin the process of procuring the fit-out works and will be publishing an OJEU shortly.
Related documents
- Green light for Crossrail station at Woolwich, press notice, 25 July 2013