Diplomacy is the only route to sustained peace on the Korean peninsula: UK statement at the UN Security Council
Statement by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council briefing on North Korea

Thank you President and I also thank ASG Khiari for his informative briefing.
President, as we’ve heard, at around half-past seven on Tuesday morning, as commuters in Northern Japan were making their way to work, evacuation alerts sent people rushing to shelters. Public transport came to a halt as a ballistic missile, launched without warning by North Korea, flew overhead.
The threat to international peace and security presented by North Korea’s reckless and illegal ballistic missile tests could not be clearer. North Korea’s latest launch of an Intermediate-range ballistic missile violates multiple UNSCRs. We stand in solidarity with the people of Japan, and of states in the region threatened by this unacceptable behaviour.
This latest test is a serious escalation, but the broader trend is just as concerning. This year alone North Korea has launched 39 ballistic missiles; seven of which were launched in the last ten days.
We urge Council members to meet these violations with a firm and united response. North Korea has been emboldened by the Council’s inaction, and the use of the veto by two Council members. Diplomacy is the only route to sustained peace on the peninsula, but it is right that this Council continues to take appropriate, targeted measures to slow the pace of proliferation.
We again call on all member states to implement in full existing Security Council resolutions on North Korea. They are an essential part of efforts to counter the continued development of North Korea’s prohibited programmes.
Let me be clear too that Council sanctions are not targeted at the North Korean people. We fully support the delivery of humanitarian support to the most vulnerable and therefore call on North Korea to allow an independent assessment of the humanitarian situation, and to allow aid to flow freely into the country.
Joint statement by Security Council members condemning the DPRK’s long-range ballistic missile launch
Joint statement to the press delivered by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Permanent Representative at the United States Mission to the United Nations on behalf of Albania, Brazil, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom
The United States, Albania, Brazil, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, strongly condemn the DPRK’s long-range ballistic missile launch which overflew Japan on October 4 and its seven other ballistic missile launches conducted since September 25. The DPRK has now launched over 35 ballistic missiles this year alone.
These launches violate multiple Security Council resolutions and pose a threat to not only the region, but to the entire international community.
The United States, and those who have joined me at the podium today remain committed to diplomacy and continue to call on the DPRK to return to dialogue. But we will not stay silent as the DPRK works to undermine the global nonproliferation regime and threaten the international community.
The DPRK made its intentions clear in April and September when its leader signaled an effort to accelerate the DPRK’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs and even alluded to pre-emptive use of nuclear forces. We are witnessing the DPRK’s pursuit of this objective.
We call on all UN Member States, especially Council members, to join us in condemning this reckless behavior and in urging the DPRK to abandon in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner its unlawful weapons programs and engage in diplomacy toward denuclearization. We also recall the Council’s decision in resolution 2397 referring to further significant measures.
We call on Member States to fully implement the relevant Security Council resolutions. Let us reaffirm that full implementation of the 1718 Committee mandate is necessary to effectively slow down and restrict the DPRK’s weapons advancements.
Following the DPRK’s provocations and escalatory behavior in 2017, the Council came together and unanimously took action to hold the DPRK accountable for its unlawful actions.
Now again the DPRK is testing the Council’s resolve and we must act accordingly.