G20 Summit July 2017: Prime Minister's press statement
Prime Minister Theresa May spoke about subjects covered at the G20 including counter-terrorism, modern slavery, and climate change.

Good afternoon and welcome.
This has been a productive summit, and I want to thank Chancellor Merkel for everything she has done to make it such a success. We have discussed a wide range of global issues here in Hamburg over the past two days, including counter-terrorism, modern slavery, climate change, and of course, trade and the global economy. These global issues touch on critical national interests – from security to prosperity. They affect each and every one of us.
Allow me to say a brief word on each.
Firstly, terrorism. It is a threat facing us all, as we have sadly seen all too recently.
As I said outside Downing Street after the terrible London Bridge attack, enough is enough, and I have called for a step-change in domestic and international efforts to combat terrorism. Here in Hamburg, I have called on my G20 partners to ensure the global financial system is an entirely hostile environment for terrorists.
We have agreed to take action in two specific areas: we need to ensure there are no safe spaces for terrorist financing by increasing capacity-building and raising standards worldwide, especially in terrorist finance hotspots. And we will develop tools to better identify suspicious small flows of money being used to support terrorist activity. I have also called for the G20 to come together to better manage the risk posed by foreign fighters as they disperse from the battlefield in Syria and Iraq, by improving international information-sharing on the movement of individuals known to have travelled to Daesh territory.
And we have agreed that we should work with other G20 member states to help counter violent extremism in their own countries, to halt the spread of extremist material and poisonous propaganda that is warping young minds. At the G7, I called for industry to take responsibility to more rapidly detect and report extremist content online. And last week, industry announced the launch of a Global Forum to do just that.
We can change the balance of the fight when we work together and I am confident that through these efforts we will defeat the scourge of terrorism and our collective values will prevail.
Modern slavery
Turning to modern slavery, the great human rights issue of our time. Tackling human trafficking and modern slavery remains a top priority for my government and we are committed to stamping out this abhorrent crime.
In the UK we have set up the first ever government taskforce for modern slavery, bringing together every relevant department to co-ordinate and drive all our efforts in the battle against this cruel exploitation.But if we are to eradicate modern slavery around the world, we need to go much further. Victims will only find freedom if we cultivate a radically new, global and coordinated approach.
And that is why at this summit I have called on my G20 partners to follow Britain’s lead in working with businesses at home to ensure they report any modern slavery in their supply chains.
Climate change
Like other world leaders here, I am dismayed at the US decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement and I have urged President Trump to re-join it.
The UK’s own commitment to the Paris Agreement and tackling global climate change is as strong as ever. Not only will this protect the environment for future generations, it will keep energy affordable and maintain a secure and reliable supply in order to protect the interests of businesses and consumers. We play a leading role internationally and we are delivering on our commitments to create a safer, more prosperous future for us all.
Trade & the global economy
Finally, trade. The UK is a leading advocate for free trade and open markets, for the World Trade Organisation, and for a global economy that works for everyone.
But, as I have emphasised here at this summit, it is also important that we acknowledge some people feel left behind by globalisation, and that not all countries are playing by the rules. We have agreed that countries should step up the action they are taking to address the dumping of steel on global markets.
And we are all in agreement that women should be empowered economically: that is good for business and good for society. So the G20 has agreed to create better job opportunities for women, to remove the legal barriers, and end the discrimination and gender-based violence that restrict opportunities both at home and abroad.
I have encouraged leaders to take steps to make the international trading system work better, to ensure that all our citizens can share in the benefits of the global economy.
Britain has always been a great trading nation. And as we leave the European Union, we will seize the exciting opportunities to strike deals with old friends and new partners.
I have held a number of meetings with other world leaders at this summit and have been struck by their strong desire to forge ambitious new bilateral trading relationships with the UK after Brexit.
This is a powerful vote of confidence in British goods, British services, Britain’s economy and the British people – and we look forward to building on these conversations in the months ahead.
Thank you.