Help me achieve my vision for transformative health technology
Sir Hugh Taylor invites you to contribute your views to the Accelerated Access Review.

We at the Accelerated Access Review have been very busy engaging and listening, but I just wanted to take a moment to give my workstream champions an official welcome and thank them for their invaluable contributions.
I’m delighted that they have found the time in their busy schedules to work on this very worthwhile review.
Below, I introduce each of my champions in turn and provide links to articles in which each sets down their own vision for their areas.
Dr Stuart Dollow is champion for articulating the need for innovation. Stuart is the founder of Vermilion Life Sciences.
Professor Richard Barker is the champion for accelerated development pathways. Richard is the Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation. He also chairs the Precision Medicine Catapult and the South London Health Innovation Network as well as the Genomic Medicine Centre.
Richard Murray is the champion for affordable national funding models. Richard is Director of Policy at The King’s Fund.
Rob Webster is champion for the affordable adoption and diffusion workstream, and is Chief Executive of NHS Confederation.
Underpinning all of the other areas of our work is the needs of patients, and Hilary Newiss, Chair of National Voices, is champion for the patient and service user.
Since I was appointed Chair of the review back in March, my team and I have been working at a fast pace. We have already started to implement our engagement plans, meeting with over 500 stakeholders, and holding roundtables and workshops.

We have also launched our online engagement site, where we have set out the main themes and questions we are looking at as we work to speed up access to drugs, devices, diagnostics and digital health products that can help change the lives of NHS patients.
The Accelerated Access Review has the potential to make far-reaching recommendations to government. By listening to patients, service users and professionals, we are able to gather an in-depth knowledge of how this could be achieved and to find out what’s working well and what needs to be improved.
To do this, we need you to give us your views and your innovative ideas. It’s only by gathering this evidence that I will be able to make robust and workable recommendations to government. So make sure you find the time to comment on our online engagement platform and find out how you can get involved
Have a good look at our questions and come and answer any that reflect your area of interest to help us have an open debate and make sure you have your voice heard.