If Russia is so concerned about Ukraine’s defensive action then Russia should stop invading: UK statement at the UN Security Council
Statement by Fergus Eckersley, UK Minister Counsellor, at the UN Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

This is the seventeenth time in the last year that Russia has called a meeting that seeks to rewrite history and undermine UN-verified facts. Their aim is to distort reality so thoroughly that the international community can no longer discern what is true. We continuously listen to Russia’s attempt to justify its violation of the Charter – its invasion of a neighbour – but the Charter provides no justification for Russia’s actions whatsoever.
And now we sit here for the seventeenth time this year, listening to Russia try to tell us that Ukraine should not be permitted to defend itself against Russian aggression. That no matter how many weapons and troops Russia deploys or gets from third parties to prolong their aggression, Ukraine should be prevented from seeking support from its partners in defence of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
If Russia is so concerned about Ukraine’s defensive action then maybe Russia should stop invading. The solution is really very simple. Russia should withdraw its troops from its neighbour and cease its aggression.
Russian weapons have now been used in Ukraine for over 1000 days. They are targeting Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure, leaving millions without essential services. Not to mention the deadly, well-documented attacks on medical facilities. The WHO has recorded over 2,000 attacks on healthcare in Ukraine, including hospitals, since the start of Russia’s invasion.
And 12,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed, 12,000 innocent lives leaving behind grief and trauma for their families. But it is not Russia’s weapons alone that are costing countless lives. DPRK and Iran have supplied Russia with munitions and ballistic missiles for use on the battlefield in Ukraine.
And now thousands of DPRK troops have joined forces with Russia, prolonging the war and increasing the suffering of the Ukrainian people. And we know that DPRK will be extracting a high price in return, which has significant implications for global security, significant implications for all of us.
Madam President, this Christmas I suggest the Russian delegation reads How Much Land Does a Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy. It’s a story about a man, who, in his greed to acquire more and more land, he exhausts himself and dies. He’s buried in a six-foot grave, which is all the land he ends up with. The moral is quite clear, the Russians would do well to heed the wisdom of their forebearers.
Because the supporters of Ukraine are on the right side of history. Until Russia ceases aggression, we will continue to support Ukraine in defending itself. And we will continue to support their efforts to find a just and lasting peace, based on the principles of the UN Charter.
It was a breach of the Charter that brought us to this horrific situation, and only full adherence to the Charter will resolve it.
And that means Russia ceasing its aggression and fully withdrawing from a sovereign and secure Ukraine.