Parliamentary launch of Civic Day 2013
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles speaking at Parliamentary launch of Civic Day 2013 in the House of Commons.

Civic societies are the warp and weft of our communities
When I think of places I’ve lived
From Bradford to Brentwood
I realise they both share in that great tradition of civic pride
They care passionately about the places they belong to
And will stop at nothing
To safeguard the character of their local areas
You, more than anyone,
Embody Edmund Burke’s immortal idea of those ‘little platoons’
‘The first principle of public affections’
Civic Day thanks
Civic Day is a chance to reward that work
To show-off the priceless places you love
And it’s my opportunity to thank you for all you did last year
When the wind was in your sails
Your ranks swelled by those volunteers
Puffed up by the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics
It’s my moment to thank you
For performing all those little acts of kindness
Like the Jabberwocks
Not the Alice in Wonderland fantasy
But junior members of the Hale Civic Society
Who ran a Hale’s own version of the torch relay
Or the good folk of Malvern
Who I’m glad to see represented here today -
With their gold medal Civic Award winning exploits
Running more than 100 events, concerts and displays in just 15 days
And there is no end in sight for the glorious volunteering advance
Because community service has always been your cup of tea
Long before we were putting up the bunting
You were rolling up your sleeves
And getting stuck in
Your new powers
But these days local activism has been augmented
It’s about much more than the next tea party or tombola
We’ve annexed power from Whitehall’s top brass
And handed it back to you … our fired-up footsoldiers
So localism’s lynchpins can lead from the front
Community Rights is a case in point
As Civic Voice’s Love Local campaign highlighted
Local people love nothing more than those simple local pleasures
The fantastic walks and cycle rides of Wirral Way
The stillness of Basingstoke’s old town cemetery – amid the bustle of the town
And the joy of Blackpool’s trams, piers, illuminations that brings happiness to millions
But Civic Voice also found 78 per cent of volunteers fear a community asset they care about could be at risk
Right to Bid
That’s where our new Right to Bid can make all the difference
All you need are 21 people
Banding together to list their local loves
And you can stop the clock on any sale
Saving it for posterity
So far hundreds of assets have been listed
With hundreds more on the way
From football stadiums and bus shelters
To mills and museums
From village shops and village halls,
To churches, pubs, doctors surgeries and libraries
Local people in Nunhead even used the Right to Bid
To buy the historic Ivy House pub outright
And where committed civic activists dare to tread
Others will dare to follow
Coupled with Community Shares
Which enable concerned local people
To pool their finances
Raise money locally
And keep a vested interest going
You can now mount daring rescue operations in your neighbourhoods
Last year £9 million was raised through Community Shares
Tripling the sum in the year before
Last week the Prime Minister led the local call to arms
By announcing a £250 million community asset fund
So anyone with a dream of owning their local pub, shop, or community centre, running it for the benefit of their community
Can make it a reality
Going further
But I know civil societies have even more ambition
They aren’t just looking to protect and save their neighbourhoods
They want them to develop and grow as well
I’m sure you all know King’s Lynn Civic Society last year
They used Civic Day to launch their campaign to bring empty town centre properties back into use
Or Haverhill
No longer prepared to let local youths finish school and graduate to a life on benefits
They got together with local businesses to change the curriculum
And churn out the skills local kids needed
No-one forced them to do it.
They just got on and did it
Now young people in their area will fare better
Community Right to Challenge
Our Community Right to Challenge lets local platoons go even further
And lead the charge to take over local services
Allowing Inspire Rotherham to improve literacy in their area
And Ventnor Town Council to take charge of local car parking
To attract more visitors and shoppers into the town.
Neighbourhood planning
But the real ace up your sleeve are those neighbourhood plans
Recently we saw Eden Valley, Exeter St.James and Thame pass their neighbourhood planning referendums
They can now build more houses for local people
Decide where they go, what they look like and even what they’re made from
People are now alive to the opportunities
We’re seeing the floodgates open
With a further 550 communities on the way
Any civic society, or local group, ready to put themselves out for the local good
Will find our helping hand outstretched
There’s expert advice on the My Community Rights website
And the chance to dip into £60 million pot of public money.
Conclusion: grasping the nettle
So seize this Civic Day
Civic societies are our community cavalry
We’ve still only seen the tiniest fraction of what local rights can do
But I’m not the one who can make them count
Only those…ready to do their civic duty
…with the local know-how
…sheer determination to make a major difference
Can do that
In other words, only you
So be brave
Be bold
Be imperious
And when you succeed
Shout it to the rafters
Involve your local councillors
Tip off your local MP
And don’t forget to let me know too
I will always be your cheer leader in chief.