Publication of the draft BIOT Resettlement Feasibility Study
James Duddrige updated Parliament on the publication of the draft BIOT Resettlement Feasibility Study.

The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (James Duddridge): On 19 November 2013 my predecessor, the Hon. Member for Boston and Skegness (Mark Simmonds) updated the House on the start of an independent feasibility study on resettlement of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) by its former inhabitants. KPMG were appointed as independent consultants commissioned to carry out this study. Today KPMG will publish its draft final report in full. It is available via the Overseas Territories webpages of Copies have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses.
In line with its Terms of Reference, the Feasibility Study has examined the full range of options for resettlement on each of the islands of the Territory, including Diego Garcia with its vital military base. Final views are now sought from the Chagossian community and all those with an interest. The study will conclude and issue its final report to Ministers in January 2015.
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