
Secretary of State's response to Ofgem's Retail Market Review

Energy and Climate Change Secretary Edward Davey's comment on Ofgem's retail market review proposals

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Sir Edward Davey MP

Commenting on Ofgem’s retail market review proposals, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Edward Davey said:

“I welcome the proposals Ofgem has set out today - these are the sort of measures I have been urging for some time, they represent a big step forwards in reforming our energy market to help millions of households get a better deal on their energy bills. I look forward to seeing the full proposals from Ofgem in due course.

“I want an energy market where the suppliers have to work hard to win your business, and then work hard to keep it. Making bills simpler and easier, for instance by actually putting the best tariff on the bill, is a really important part of that.”

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Published 19 October 2012