
The conflict in Sudan presents a significant impediment to agreeing on the final status of Abyei: UK statement at the Security Council

Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on Sudan and South Sudan.

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government
Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council

Thank you, President, and thank you to Ms Pobee and Special Envoy Tetteh for their insightful briefings.

I will make three brief points.

First, the United Kingdom commends UNISFA’s tireless efforts to help maintain peace and security in Abyei, under challenging circumstances.

A year since the mission began its transition from having a single Troop Contributing Countries (TCC) to becoming a multinational force, it is clear that this process has been a success and that the newly configured force is making a tangible difference to the security situation in Abyei.

Second, despite the positive role played by UNISFA, the local population continues to suffer from an absence of basic services.

The United Kingdom urges all parties fully to respect International Humanitarian Law and protect and enable humanitarian staff, assets and operations to deliver aid to those in need in all parts of Abyei, without hindrance.

We remain concerned by the ongoing intercommunal violence and increasing tensions within the Dinka community. We welcome the recent efforts by South Sudan to stop the violence between the Ngok Dinka and the Twic Dinka.

We are, however, concerned by the positioning of the South Sudanese People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF), and National Police personnel in Abyei in violation of the 2011 agreement.

The presence of these forces is exacerbating tensions and hindering peace. We call upon the Government of South Sudan to withdraw its forces without delay.

Third, we echo the Secretary’s General concern over the effect on Abyei of the military clashes across Sudan.

We note the offer by President Kiir to facilitate talks between the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces. The United Kingdom underlines its support for regional efforts to support a ceasefire, including through the Trilateral Mechanism.

We echo calls for a lasting ceasefire and for humanitarian needs to be urgently addressed.

President, in closing, the conflict in Sudan is a tragedy. It also presents a significant impediment to agreeing a peaceful settlement to the final status of Abyei, which remains key to enabling long-term peace and development in the territory.

We urge the parties not to lose sight of this vital issue, and stress the importance of resuming talks on the final status as soon as is practicable.

Thank you.

Published 9 May 2023