
The role of AI in the future of women's health

Minister of State for Women's Health, Baroness Merron, spoke at the Responsible AI: Women and Healthcare Conference 2025, in London.

Baroness Merron

I am absolutely delighted to be able to join you today, and I know I am amongst a very wide range of diverse voices and contributors here.

I want to say thank you for making the time to be here today and to take part, and for sharing your insight on an issue which has the potential to hugely impact for good. I might add, hugely impact our health system for many decades to come. Let me tell you, I’ve just come from speaking in the Chamber about osteoporosis, and I was asked a question by a Peer about the role of AI so I was very glad to be able to say I’m actually on my way to a conference to address this very point.

So, I say that because I want you to know how relevant this is in Parliament, and there is rightly a push for progress in the way that we are all committed to.

Since coming into government, we haven’t, and I haven’t, shied away from recognising the huge challenges that we’ve got to address in our health system, and I’m firmly of the view that our health service can only address the challenges of the future and indeed, the challenges of today, if we use the technologies of tomorrow.

It’s no good looking to the technologies of the past, and we are absolutely committed to delivering the digital transformation that potentially brings these benefits to life.

We know about the important point about health inequalities, that there are those for whom the NHS hasn’t been there when they need it, even though it should have been. So, as we look to build an NHS that’s fit for the future, it has to be about improvement for everybody, not just a select group.

It should not matter about what is your age, your ethnicity, your wealth, your religion, your sex or where you live. We have to work together to create a Britain, I believe, where everybody can live a healthier life for longer.

A key part of this has to be and must be women’s health to ensure that women are not sidelined in any way and, because that simply creates a negative effect on millions of lives, both directly but indirectly as well.

We know that women live a greater proportion of their lives in ill health and disability, and 60% of women in this country feel their health issues are not taken seriously. I know that women’s voices are often not heard, and I believe that’s to the detriment not just of the care that’s given, but also to our healthcare system.

So, for many, when this is combined with other factors like their ethnicity, or the area that they live in, it leads to even worse outcomes. Now that is a challenge to take on and to take it on fully, and we will do that. So, as we speak today, we know we’re on the brink of a technological revolution in healthcare and in many other areas.

AI will drive incredible amounts of change in our country, and we do have the opportunity to harness it, to turbocharge growth and to boost the quality of lives for all, including women.

So, we as a government are throwing our full support behind this because AI, as I referred to earlier, is the technology of today. It’s already being deployed in our economy. It’s already revolutionising the delivery of services, including public services, and very much changing how we deliver healthcare.

So, I don’t need to explain to all of you, because you will explain it better to me about how AI can make a transformational difference to the health of our country.

However, we have to bear in mind the experience of the past. We do know of instances in the past where not enough care has been taken with new technologies, and we’ve seen the damage that can do. So AI, without doubt opens doors to exciting and very real new possibilities, but we do need to build public confidence and trust that AI is being used responsibly, it’s being used safely and effectively for everyone, and I do think there is a job of work to be done there.

Without enough care, AI could potentially, in a not good way, incorporate all the same biases that have plagued our healthcare system for too long. There is already evidence of AI healthcare technologies working more effectively for men than for women.

So, for conditions such as liver disease and kidney disease, algorithms have been hailed as the best without accounting for this absolutely crucial point, and not enough of the patient data used to train these models has been from women. So that means that the AI models have translated the biases from our existing clinical methods into their own approaches.

So there needs to be much greater attention to developing technologies responsibly, and inclusively, that don’t leave women or indeed any other part of our population behind. By perpetuating these biases that may in part be a product of who is in the room developing these new technologies, possibly. Women are significantly underrepresented in the AI sector, as is commonly the case in other technology sectors.

One study suggested, I noted, that only a quarter of the AI workforce is female, and I have no doubt that having more women in the room, as we have today, would do a huge amount to help. Although, I do have to say it is not all the responsibility of women to ensure the woman’s perspective. Not at all.

So, as we look to AI, we need to ensure that 51% of our population must be worked with and for. This is not a minority group. We are a majority group and with particular healthcare needs. So, by taking steps to eliminate bias in healthcare AI, we will build trust, and I do think trust is so important, to build trust in this next wave of healthcare technologies and ensure that digital solutions can work for everyone.

We are, in government, committed to providing that support and enabling your efforts to come to fruition. We have supported the delivery of the Standing Together recommendations, which is a crucial piece of work developing standards for AI data sets, ensuring that they do reflect the diversity of the patient population and mean that we can see products that work for everybody.

With the National Institute for Health and Care Research, we are making sure that the UK research community incorporates sex and gender into its research, supporting the crucial work in the research inclusion strategy and finalising a sex and gender policy framework for funders through the Medical Science, Sex and Gender Equity project. But there is, of course, so much more to do and so much further that we can go to help you achieve the goal of making AI in healthcare work for everyone.

We will stand by your side in this crucial endeavour, and we are committed to enabling your efforts and finding ways to do that, because I believe it’s only with your expertise and your insight that the potential for digital transformation can be fully realised because what we want to see is faster diagnosis. We want to see better treatment. We want more efficient care to every person across the country.

It is thanks to your advocacy and to your knowledge and your initiative that we will ensure that we learn the lessons from the past, and we will make sure that nobody is left out as we look to the future.

So, let me thank you again for attending the conference today. I know that together we have the ability to achieve great things and making sure that the digital health revolution is one that’s embraced, that is safe and is fair for everyone, and will unlock the benefits of AI to improve the health of the nation.

I am looking forward to that. So, thank you very much.

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Published 30 January 2025