The United Kingdom welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolutions 2213 and 2214.
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Lyall Grant of the UK Mission to the UN, following the Security Council Adoptions of Resolutions 2213 and 2214

Thank you Mr President,
The United Kingdom welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolutions 2213 and 2214.
We are at a critical phase in the UN-facilitated talks in Libya. The international community must unite behind Special Representative Bernardino Leon and speak with one voice to help ensure that the Libyan parties reach agreement on a National Unity Government. Renewing UNSMIL’s mandate today is therefore an important sign of our continued strong support for Leon’s work, for political mediation, and for resolving the current crisis through dialogue.
The consequences of failure are clear to see. Instability and insecurity has allowed terrorist groups, including those affiliated with ISIL and Al Qaeda, to threaten Libyans and those in the region. It has created a deteriorating humanitarian situation and increased human rights violations and abuses. And it has led to the proliferation of unsecured arms and ammunition that helps escalate the violence and further undermines the stability and security of Libya and its people.
We therefore welcome the refreshed focus of the UNSMIL mandate as supporting, as a priority, the political process in Libya, as well as assisting Libyan institutions, monitoring human rights and countering arms proliferation. We support the reaffirmation of sanctions and arms embargo measures. We echo the calls for an end to the violence, the need for accountability, and for more cooperation with the International Criminal Court.
Mr President,
Resolution 2214 is a strong, collective sign of our commitment to support Libya’s fight against terrorism. We have seen the dangerous rise of ISIL affiliated groups across North Africa and its consequences for regional security. The murder of Egyptian Coptic Christians the Al-Qubbah bombings and most recently the attack in the Tunisian Bardo Museum leaves us in no doubt that concrete steps must be taken to tackle this threat.
The United Kingdom is ready to play its part in that effort.
It is vital that counterterrorism and political efforts continue in parallel. The absence of a strong, united central government in Libya strengthens those who wish to plunge the country and the region into chaos. A National Unity Government is therefore critically important for Libya’s counterterrorism efforts.
Thank you Mr President.