This resolution extends and strengthens the mandate for the UN’s vital work in Haiti: Lord Ahmad's statement at the Security Council
Explanation of vote by Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon at the United Nations Security Council meeting on Haiti.

The UK is pleased to have voted in favour of this resolution, which extends and strengthens the mandate for the UN’s vital work in Haiti.
It is particularly welcome that this resolution paves the way for the Council to respond to Haiti’s request for security support in the context of the steeply deteriorating security, humanitarian, political and economic situation.
Only last week this Council heard powerful accounts from civil society and the region on the appalling human rights abuses being committed by gangs in Haiti.
Conflict-related sexual violence in particular has spiralled in recent months. And the ability of people to live their lives normally, to move freely, to go to school, or to hospitals, has been tragically disrupted.
So we welcome this resolution and look forward to considering in due course the options presented by the Secretary-General.