
"This resolution is a step change. It contains some of the toughest measures the Security Council has ever taken. "

Statement by Ambassador Matthew Rycroft of the UK Mission to the UN following the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2270 on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
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Thank you Mr President.

The United Kingdom strongly supports the unanimous adoption of Resolution 2270. I joined my colleagues in welcoming the robust new measures that it brings into force, thanks to strong and united action by this Council.

This resolution is a step change. It contains some of the toughest measures the Security Council has ever taken. It addresses the will of the Council as we expressed in our Presidential Statement on 6 January, the day that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced its fourth nuclear test. Since then, on 7 February, we saw the DPRK conduct a satellite launch using ballistic missile technology. These events were clear and deliberate violations of previous Security Council resolutions. We could allow them to pass without a robust response. We must deter and impede the DPRK from continuing to pursue such illegal actions.

We remain deeply concerned by the DPRK’s continued development of nuclear and missile programmes. This is in flagrant defiance of this Council’s resolutions and in the face of international condemnation. And it means that the DPRK regime has even fewer national resources available for the health and welfare of its people.

This resolution is not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for DPRK’s civilian population. The resolution is not intended to affect negatively activities not prohibited by this, or previous Security Council resolutions. And the resolution is not intended to affect negatively the work of international organisations or non-governmental organisations carrying out assistance and relief activities in the DPRK.

Taking this intention into account, it is clear that the resolution’s provisions, including on the export of aviation fuel, are not intended to curtail legitimate humanitarian and diplomatic activities in the DPRK. The Council will need to be vigilant in this regard. Additionally, we note for clarification that the new provisions on cargo inspection are consistent with the obligations set out in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Finally Mr President, we again welcome the resolve of the Council in expediting this robust new resolution. We strongly encourage all States to implement its provisions in full. And above all, we continue to urge the DPRK to return to credible and authentic multilateral talks on its nuclear programme, and to abide by its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and to permit full access by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Thank you.

Published 2 March 2016