Transport planning: Gatwick Airport
Government position on development at Gatwick Airport.

The examining authority’s report on the Gatwick Airport Development Consent Order application was received on 27 November 2024. Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act 2008, a decision must be made within 3 months of receipt of the examining authority’s report unless the power under section 107(3) to extend the deadline is exercised and a statement is made to Parliament announcing the new deadline. The current deadline for a decision is 27 February 2025.
This statement confirms that today (27 February 2025) I have issued a ‘minded to approve’ letter for the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act 2008.
Given the examining authority’s report, for the first time, recommends an alternative DCO which includes a range of controls on the operation of the scheme and not all the provisions have been considered during the examination, I am issuing a minded to approve decision that provides some additional time to seek views from all parties on the provisions, prior to a final decision.
The deadline for the final decision is now extended to 27 October 2025 (an extension of 9 months). The decision to set a new deadline is without prejudice to the decision on whether to give development consent for the above application.