Transport Statistics Great Britain 2013 video
Video conveying facts from the Transport Statistics Great Britain 2013.

Transport Statistics Great Britain 2013 video What did you want to know about transport statistics, but were afraid to ask? Do you know for example that during 2012 the population travelled a staggering 480 billion miles?
We did a lot of that by car and van. These journeys accounted for 64% of all the personal trips made and 78% of distance travelled.
In 2012 there were more than 34 million licensed vehicles and vehicles need roads. In Great Britain, roads totalled 245 thousand miles. That’s enough to fully cover the circumference of the Earth 10 times over. Well…almost!
But how do people move around when they’re not in a car?
Well, we like trains. Rail passenger journeys have more than doubled since privatisation in 1994/95. Rail also accounted for well over half (59%) of the passenger miles travelled. And if all of the rail lines in Great Britain were laid out end to end, they would reach from here to Australia.
But if you think that’s impressive, try this statistic for size. Most public transport journeys are made by bus. The number of miles travelled by all of the buses in Great Britain every year amounts to around 1,591 million miles. That’s roughly equal to the distance from Earth to Uranus.
So does all this mean we’ve given up walking? Certainly not! On average people walk 181 miles per year. Indeed, 22% of our trips use walking as the main means to get from A to B.
And some people of course, prefer a bike. Across England 10% of adults cycle at least once a week.
British travellers also like air travel. Over the past two decades the number of passengers going through UK airports has more than doubled. Nearly three quarters of us on international flights went to or from other European airports, with Spain being our most popular destination.
And when it comes to the high seas, during 2012, the majority of passenger journeys were between the UK and France. But for the first time since it opened in 1994, more passengers chose the Channel Tunnel to get to Europe than by sea.
But UK sea ports remain very busy with freight. They handled half a billion tonnes and here’s how we moved freight around the country.
According to most recent figures, 68% of domestic freight goods were moved by road. 19% went by water, 9% went by rail while 5% went by pipeline.
There’s more we could tell you, so much more but we don’t have time, so to find out more simply go to GOV.UK and download the latest edition of Transport Statistics Great Britain.