UN Human Rights Council 58: Annual High-Level Mainstreaming Panel
Annual High-Level Mainstreaming Panel. As delivered by the UK's Permanent Representative to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley, at the 58th HRC session in Geneva.

Thank you Mr President,
In this 30th anniversary year for gender equality, let me reaffirm the British government’s commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
My government’s dedication to advancing gender equality at home has led to a narrowing of the gender pay gap, more women on the boards of the largest companies than ever before and stronger action to protect women and girls from violence and abuse. And we have put women and girls at the heart of our international work, from our diplomacy to our development spend.
But while it is important to acknowledge the progress made, quite clearly no country - the UK included - has achieved or even got close to achieving gender equality. Indeed, we are seeing a growing international trend of efforts to undermine and roll back the rights of women, girls and other marginalised groups.
We must resist that roll back, take concerted action to build on the progress we have made both at home and overseas. That is why we are putting women’s voices at the heart of everything we do and will make the changes needed so gender equality can, at last, become a reality.
We call on all Members of the Council and states to use this landmark year to accelerate action towards empowering all women and girls.
Thank you.