Universal Periodic Review 46: UK Statement on Dominican Republic
Statement by the UK's Permanent Representative to the WTO and the UN at Dominican Republic's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Thank you, Mr President.
We commend the proactive role the Dominican Republic has taken as a new member of the Human Rights Council.
We salute the progress made in addressing human rights concerns including through criminalising of child marriages and creating a Cabinet for Women, Young Women and Girls.
We welcome the focus on police reform and hope the recently established Commission for the Transformation of the National Police will help bring attention to addressing continued challenges.
However, we remain concerned by the continued lack of sexual and reproductive health rights in the Dominican Republic which puts the lives of women and girls at risk.
We recommend that the Dominican Republic:
Implement the recommendations of the Working Group for the Transformation and Professionalisation of the National Police.
Ensure access to sexual and reproductive health in line with their international commitments on women and girls’ rights.
Adopt and implement inclusive preventative laws and policies that protect vulnerable groups from violence, discrimination and hate.
Thank you.