Universal Periodic Review 47: UK Statement on The DPRK
Statement by the UK's Permanent Representative to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley, at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council.

Thank you, Mr President.
The UK appreciates the DPRK’s engagement with the UPR process. We welcome the relaxation of its border restrictions and encourage the government to allow humanitarian and human rights actors immediate and unhindered access to the country.
However, the UK remains concerned by continued, widespread and systematic human rights violations by the DPRK. Citizens face surveillance and arbitrary detention for seeking to exercise their right to freedom of religion or belief and are denied access to independent media or sources of information.
We recommend that North Korea:
Ratify the UN Convention against Torture and reform the judicial system to ensure respect for the right to a fair trial and end sentences that constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.
Grant access to the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK and accept technical cooperation from UN human rights mechanisms.
Improve regulations to prevent gender-based discrimination and violence, particularly towards women and girls, including in penal facilities and the military.
Thank you.