Universal Periodic Review 48: UK Statement on Iran
UK Statement at Iran's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Delivered by the UK's Human Rights Ambassador, Eleanor Sanders.

Thank you, Mr President.
The United Kingdom welcomes Iran’s engagement with the UPR.
We have noted President Pezeshkian’s election campaign comments on human rights issues, including the negative implications of hijab enforcement and internet filtering.
We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s failure to uphold its international legal obligations. In particular, its violent enforcement of mandatory veiling, intimidation of human rights defenders and journalists, and discrimination against minority groups.
We recommend that Iran:
Guarantees all individuals, but especially those facing charges carrying the death penalty, a fair trial, consistent with obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Right, including access to a lawyer of their choosing.
Grants access to Human Rights Council mandate holders, including the Special Rapporteur on Iran.
Ratifies the UN Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.