Universal Periodic Review 48: UK Statement on Iraq
UK Statement at Iraq's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Delivered by the UK's Human Rights Ambassador, Eleanor Sanders.

Thank you, Mr President,
The United Kingdom welcomes the steps taken by Iraq in 2024 to implement the Yazidi Survivors Law, a groundbreaking piece of legislation and an important first step to provide justice for survivors.
We urge the Government to ensure the protection of freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly, and to strengthen legal protection guarantees for journalists, the media and civil society.
We recommend that Iraq:
Protects the right to freedom of assembly, including by holding accountable any perpetrators of violence against protestors.
Strengthens the capacity and independence of the judicial system to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of sexual violence, and provide effective and necessary support for victims.
Ensures that amendments to Iraq’s Personal Status Law, including the code to be subsequently developed, are in line with Iraq’s International Commitments on women and children’s rights.
Thank you.