Update on Savile investigations in relation to the NHS
Statement by Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt on progress of investigations into Jimmy Savile in relation to NHS organisations.

There are currently three main investigations underway – Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville and Leeds General Infirmary. Kate Lampard is providing independent scrutiny of the quality and rigour of these three investigations on behalf of the Department of Health. There are also investigations taking place at a further 10 trusts.
The Metropolitan Police Service, working with Kate Lampard, has established there was further relevant information regarding Jimmy Savile. The Department of Health asked the Metropolitan Police Service, through an agreed information sharing process, to review information it held to ascertain if it included material related to health and care settings.
This review is still on-going. We understand the material includes information about hospitals where investigations are already underway, and reference to other hospitals. Once this review is complete, the information will be passed on to the relevant trusts or investigations as quickly as possible. I will then issue another written statement, including the names of any other hospitals involved.
Although all 13 investigations are currently on track, this additional material means that the timetable will be affected. It is vital that the final NHS investigation reports are thorough and complete, and reflect all the evidence about Jimmy Savile’s pattern of offending. The final reports of all the investigations will now aim to be completed by June 2014, with publication sooner if that is possible.