Written Ministerial Statement: Special Adviser numbers and costs
Written Ministerial Statement by Prime Minister David Cameron on Special Adviser number and costs across deparments.
Listed here are the names of the special advisers in post at 28 October 2010, including each special adviser’s pay band, and actual salary where this is £58,200 or higher, together with details of the special advisers’ pay ranges for 2010-2011.
The estimated paybill for the period 12 May 2010 to 31 March 2011 remains at £4.9 million.
The paybill cost, including severance, for the period 1 April 2010 to 12 May 2010, totalled £2.1 million, of which £1.8 million was severance.
In future, this list of special advisers will be updated on a quarterly basis, and published on the No10 website.
For the first time, departments are also publishing today, on their websites, details of gifts and hospitality received by their special advisers during the period 13 May to 31 July.
This information will be updated and published on departmental websites on a quarterly basis.
Special Adviser Pay Bands for 2010-11
The pay bands and pay ranges for special advisers for 2010-11 are as follows:
Scheme ceiling £142,668
Pay Band 4 £88,966 - £106,864
Pay Band 3 and Premium £66,512 - £103,263
Pay Band 2 £52,215 - £69,266
Pay Band 1 £40,352 - £54,121
Pay Band 0 up to £40,352