Statistical data set

Ad-hoc National Travel Survey analysis

Custom data tables produced for members of the public and for researchers, using data from the National Travel Survey and the National Travel Attitudes Study.

Ad-hoc data tables index

National Travel Survey: ad-hoc data table index (ODS, 27.9 KB)

Distance travelled

NTSQ01001: Average distance travelled by mode and region, London: 2002 to 2017, rolling 5 year averages (ODS, 10.4 KB)

NTSQ01002: Average number of trips by trip length and main mode, South East England: 2015 to 2017 (ODS, 11.8 KB)

NTSQ01003: Average distance and trip rate, travelled by main mode for selected trip purposes, England: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 30.1 KB)

NTSQ01004: Average distance driven by age, sex and the area type of residence, England: 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 13.5 KB)

NTSQ01005: Distance travelled by car by age: car, van driver, passenger only, England: 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 6.83 KB)

NTSQ01006: Average miles travelled by mode, region and Rural-Urban Classification for commuting: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 10.7 KB)

NTSQ01007: Average miles travelled by mode, region and Rural-Urban Classification of residence and trip length: England, 2018 to 2019, 2020 (ODS, 27.7 KB)

NTSQ01008: Average number of trips by trip length and main mode: South West region of residence, 2017 to 2019 (ODS, 12 KB)

NTSQ01009: Average trip length in miles to and from school by 0 to 6 year olds: England, 2002 to 2020 (ODS, 6.4 KB)

NTSQ01010: Average miles travelled for trips where car or van was the main mode, by household car or van availability: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 6.62 KB)

NTSQ01011: Long distance trips within Great Britain by purpose and trip length by car or van: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 7.32 KB)

NTSQ01012: Long distance trips within Great Britain by household income and trip length by car or van: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 6.66 KB)

NTSQ01013: Long distance trips within Great Britain by National Statistics Socio-economic classification (NS-SEC) and trip length by car or van: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 7.27 KB)

NTSQ01014: Average number of trips and distance travelled by purpose and main mode: London region of residence, 2019 (ODS, 10.5 KB)

NTSQ01015: Bike trips by trip length by respondents aged 18 to 70: England, 2019 (ODS, 8.18 KB)

NTSQ01016: Average trip distance travelled and number of trips by rail per person per year by region, combined authority and purpose: England, 2010 to 2019 (ODS, 13.4 KB)

NTSQ01017: Median distance of car journeys: England, 2016 to 2020 (ODS, 5.12 KB)

NTSQ01018: Car or van journeys by distance: England, 2016 to 2020 (ODS, 6.53 KB)

NTSQ01019: Annual mileage of cars by vehicle age and fuel type: England, 10 year averages up to 2019, 2020 as a single year only (ODS, 19.9 KB)

NTSQ01020: Average miles travelled (trip distance) by main mode, trip length, trip purpose and region and Rural-Urban classification of residence: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 31.6 KB)

NTSQ01021: Average trip length of children aged 5 to 16 walking to school, by region: England, 2015 to 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 6.85 KB)

NTSQ01022: Car driver miles travelled by bespoke age bands, by sex of the driver: England, 2019 to 2021 (ODS, 17.8 KB)

NTSQ01023: Frequency of bus and train use, by distance to the stop or station: England, 2019 (ODS, 9.52 KB)

NTSQ01024: Distance traveled by household Index of Multiple Deprivation decile, and main mode: England, 2017 to 2021 (ODS, 28 KB)

NTSQ01025: Average trip length by rush hour journey start time, by purpose, region and Rural-Urban Classification of residence: England, 2018 to 2021 (ODS, 49 KB)

NTSQ01026: Average distance travelled for personal medical reasons, by main mode: England, 2015 to 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 7.97 KB)

NTSQ01027: Average number of commuting car or van driver trips by trip length (miles): England, 2015 to 2021 (ODS, 8.03 KB)

NTSQ01028: Average distance travelled by car drivers and motorcycles by trip purpose, region and Rural-Urban Classification of residence: England, 2021 (ODS, 21.7 KB)

NTSQ01029: Average commuting trip length by main mode (miles): London, 2002 to 2022 (ODS, 15 KB)

NTSQ01030: Average distance travelled by car drivers and motorcycles by trip purpose, region and rural-urban classification of residence (miles per person per year) and by all other modes: England, 2022 (ODS, 20.2 KB)

NTSQ01031: Average car driver distance travelled by males aged 18 to 24 (miles per person per year): England, 2002 to 2022 (ODS, 8.16 KB)

Driving licence holding and vehicle availability and mileage

NTSQ02001: Age of household vehicle by household income quintile, England: 2016 (ODS, 7.93 KB)

NTSQ02002: Annual mileage of cars of people living in London by ownership and trip purpose: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 8.82 KB)

NTSQ02003: Full car driving licence holders by age, Surrey: 2002 to 2008 to 2012 to 2017 (ODS, 8.07 KB)

NTSQ02004: Household and personal car availability by age, England: 2016 to 2017 (ODS, 9.33 KB)

NTSQ02005: Estimated numbers of full car driving licence holders by age and sex, England: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 14 KB)

NTSQ02006: Full car driving licence holders by selected age groups and sex, England: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 12.7 KB)

NTSQ02007: Full car driving licence holders by age: Scotland, 1995/00 to 2008/12 (ODS, 8.66 KB)

NTSQ02008: Average distance travelled by other public transport modes excluding air: England, 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 6.99 KB)

NTSQ02009: Average distance travelled by purpose and main mode with car/van split: England, 2015 to 2017 (ODS, 11.5 KB)

NTSQ02010: Full car driving licence holders by region and Rural-Urban Classification: 65 years old and over, England: 2002 to 2003 to 2017 to 2018 (ODS, 18.5 KB)

NTSQ02012: Full car driving licence holders by age, sex and National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): England, 2017 and 2019 (ODS, 10.2 KB)

NTSQ02013: Estimate of annual vehicle mileage by vehicle type: England, 2017 to 2019 (ODS, 7.12 KB)

NTSQ02014: Average distance travelled by car drivers, motorcycles and other modes by trip purpose, region and Rural-Urban Classification: England, 2020 (ODS, 17.6 KB)

NTSQ02015: Proportion of miles driven and estimated number of licence holders: England, 2020, 2010 (ODS, 17.8 KB)

NTSQ02016: Annual mileage of cars and vans by region of residence: England, 2018 to 2019 and 2020 (ODS, 7.34 KB)

NTSQ02017: Average number of trips (trip rates) by purpose and main mode for Urban Classification of Residence: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 9.96 KB)

NTSQ02018: Car or van occupancy and lone driver rate by trip purpose and region of residence: England, 2021 (ODS, 11.6 KB)

NTSQ02019: Driving licence and non-driving licence holders by ethnic group, marital status, disability status and household income, aged 17 and over: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 8.6 KB)

NTSQ02020: Proportion of individuals aged 17 and over with car access by sex: England, 2021 (ODS, 7.21 KB)

NTSQ02021: Car availability by age group: England, 2022 (ODS, 8.66 KB)

NTSQ02022: Full motorcycle driving licence holders by region, aged 17 and over: England, 2022 (ODS, 9.45 KB)

Why people travel (trip purpose)

NTSQ03001: Food and non-food shopping trips, distance and average trip length, England: 2017 (ODS, 8.23 KB)

NTSQ03002: Proportion of motorcycle mileage by purpose, with comparison to all modes, England: 2002 to 2016 (ODS, 9.79 KB)

NTSQ03003: Average trip length and distance by purpose and region of usual workplace, England: 2016 to 2017 (ODS, 14.1 KB)

NTSQ03004: Trip start time versus trip purpose, Monday to Friday, car and van drivers only, England: 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 16.1 KB)

NTSQ03005: Change of journey purpose during rush hour, England (excluding London): 2011 to 2015 (ODS, 14.4 KB)

NTSQ03006: Average trip length and distance by main mode, for eat or drink purposes only, England: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 12.9 KB)

NTSQ03007: Purpose of trips to and from by sex, car driver only, England: 2017 (ODS, 9.46 KB)

NTSQ03008: Trip purpose by trip start time (Saturday only), England: 2008 to 2017 (ODS, 10.6 KB)

NTSQ03009: Purpose of next trip by sex and previous trip: England, 2017 (ODS, 8.28 KB)

NTSQ03010: Trip start time by trip purpose (Monday to Friday only) (NTS0502) car and van driver only, England: 2014 to 2018 (ODS, 10.1 KB)

NTSQ03011: Average number of trips (trip rates) by household income and purpose, England: 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 11 KB)

NTSQ03012: Trip start time by trip purpose (Monday to Friday only), by age and household income quintile, England: 2014 and 2018 (ODS, 75.4 KB)

NTSQ03013: Average trip length by mode, region and Rural-Urban Classification for commuting: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 10.7 KB)

NTSQ03014: Average number of commuting trips (trip rates) by car or van as the main mode and by region: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 6.98 KB)

NTSQ03015: Trips under 50 miles by trip purpose: England, 2019 (ODS, 6.96 KB)

NTSQ03016: Trip start time by trip purpose for car/van drivers only (Monday to Friday only): England, 2015/2019 and 2020 (ODS, 15.7 KB)

NTSQ03017: Trip purpose by trip start time for car or van drivers only (Monday to Friday only): England, 2015/2019 and 2020 (ODS, 16 KB)

NTSQ03018: Average number of car trips (trip rates) by purpose: England, from 2002 (ODS, 9.54 KB)

NTSQ03019: Rail trips per person per year for medical personal business and for education: England, previous 5 years, 2020 (ODS, 5.68 KB)

NTSQ03020: Average number of trips (trip rates) by main mode and trip purpose, region and Rural-Urban Classification: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 41.9 KB)

NTSQ03021: Trip mode by trip start time (Monday to Friday only): England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 12.8 KB)

NTSQ03022: Commuting trips made by teachers, by main mode and region: England, 2002 to 2021 (ODS, 9.47 KB)

NTSQ03023: Average number of trips (trip rates) for purposes of day trip and just walk, by mode and household composition: England, 2021 (ODS, 7.05 KB)

NTSQ03024: Percentage of commuting trips per week, by year and economic status, aged 16 and over: England, 2002 to 2019 (ODS, 13.3 KB)

NTSQ03025: Commuting trips done by employed people by household income quintile and mode: England, 2019 to 2021 (ODS, 24.2 KB)

NTSQ03026: Car or van trips per person per year, by purpose and trip length: England, 2021 (ODS, 7.43 KB)

NTSQ03027: Average number of surface rail trips (trip rates) by selected purposes and distance breakdown: England, 2017 to 2021 (ODS, 7.44 KB)

NTSQ03028: Average distance travelled by shopping purpose and main mode: England, 2015 to 2022 (ODS, 16.4 KB)

NTSQ03029: Trips to and from school by main mode and age, aged 5 to 16: South East, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 9 KB)

NTSQ03030: Average car driver trips by trip purpose to and from, and by trip start time, Monday to Friday: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 13.4 KB)

NTSQ03031: Average number of trips and distance travelled by food shopping purpose, region and rural-urban classification of residence: England, 2002 to 2022 (ODS, 43.8 KB)

NTSQ03032: Car driver and car passenger trip start time by trip purpose (Monday to Friday only): England, 2002 to 2022 (ODS, 139 KB)

When people travel and time spent travelling

NTSQ04001: Average hours spent travelling per person per year by age, sex and main mode, England: 2002 to 2017 (ODS, 168 KB)

NTSQ04002: Average hours spent travelling per person per year by main mode, region and Rural-Urban Classification, England: 2002 to 2003 to 2016 to 2017 (ODS, 114 KB)

NTSQ04003: Trips per person per year by week day, main mode and purpose, England: 2016 to 2017 (ODS, 8.11 KB)

NTSQ04004: Trips in progress by time of day and main mode - index: weekdays, England, 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 13.9 KB)

NTSQ04005: Average trip duration by purpose and main mode, England: 2018 (ODS, 10.8 KB)

NTSQ04006: Proportion of car or van driver trips by trip purpose during morning and evening rush hour on weekdays and weekends: England, 2019 (ODS, 7.3 KB)

NTSQ04007: Bicycle frequency by age, sex, household income, region and Rural-Urban Classification of residence, ages 5+: England, 2020 (ODS, 14.2 KB)

Walking and cycling

NTSQ05001: Number and proportion of respondents reporting cycling, London: 2002 to 2020 (ODS, 7.55 KB)

NTSQ05002: Average distance travelled by bicycle and region, England: 2002 to 2017 (in rolling 5 year averages) (ODS, 7.3 KB)

NTSQ05003: Average number of stages on days where people walked or cycled, England: 2002 to 2015 (ODS, 13.1 KB)

NTSQ05004: Bicycle ownership by age: England, 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 18 KB)

NTSQ05005: Bicycle frequency by ethnicity, ages 5+: England, 2018 to 2019 (ODS, 10.7 KB)

NTSQ05006: Average cycled distance (Miles) per person per year by age group: England, 2002 to 2020 (ODS, 8.01 KB)

NTSQ05007: Percentage of stages to surface rail by stage mode, England: 2019 (ODS, 8.03 KB)

NTSQ05008: Percentage of individuals who cycle at least once a week by age band, aged 5 and over: England, 2018 and 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 7.17 KB)

NTSQ05009: Pedal cycle ownership by region of residence, aged 5 and over: England, 2018 and 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 7.36 KB)

NTSQ05010: Frequency of cycling by average cycling trips and average cycling distance travelled: England, 2021 (ODS, 7.6 KB)


NTSQ06001: Frequency of use of surface rail, by number of cars or vans with access to, England: 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 10.4 KB)

NTSQ06002: People reporting mobility difficulties who travel by rail, selected breakdowns, age 17 years +, England: 2008 to 2017 (ODS, 11.6 KB)

NTSQ06003: Average number of commuting trips by rail by single year of age: 18-65yr olds, England, 2002-2017 (ODS, 8.43 KB)

NTSQ06004: Percentage of individuals who have reported a transport service in their area when completing the NTS interview question, England, 2018 and 2019 (ODS, 8.47 KB)

NTSQ06005: Train trips per person per year, by age, sex, ethnicity, employment status, disability status and trip purpose: England, 2021 (ODS, 12.8 KB)


NTSQ07001: Frequency of bus usage by people over 65, England: 2017 (ODS, 5.88 KB)

NTSQ07002: Average number of bus trips by sex, age and household car availability, England: 2016 to 2017 (ODS, 9.98 KB)

NTSQ07003: Frequency of use of local bus by age, England: 2017 (ODS, 7.84 KB)

NTSQ07004: Average number of bus trips by sex, age and household car availability, England: 2017 to 2018 (ODS, 24.3 KB)

NTSQ07005: Percentage of individuals travelling by bus, by bus use frequency and household income quintile: England, 2021 (ODS, 8.81 KB)


NTSQ08001: Number of flights abroad in the last 12 months, England: 2006 to 2017 (ODS, 8.57 KB)

NTSQ08002: Number of trips by plane during the previous 12 months: United Kingdom (British Social Attitudes Survey) (ODS, 7.69 KB)

NTSQ08003: Proportion of domestic flights by purpose, England: 2002 to 2016 (ODS, 5.59 KB)

NTSQ08004: Proportion of reported flights abroad in the last 12 months by proportions of people reporting the most flights, England: 2017 (ODS, 5.77 KB)

NTSQ08005: Number of flights abroad in the last 12 months by household income quintiles: England, 2006 to 2020 (ODS, 21.4 KB)

NTSQ08006: Number of flights abroad in the last 12 months: England, 2019 (ODS, 8.14 KB)


NTSQ09001: Where vehicle parked overnight by Rural-Urban Classification, England: 2016 (ODS, 6.61 KB)

NTSQ09002: Trips to school by main mode, trip length and age, England: 2016 and 2017 (ODS, 9.02 KB)

NTSQ09003: Breakdown of people reporting they drive on given road types to get to work, 16 years+, England: (2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017) (ODS, 7.43 KB)

NTSQ09004: Average distance (miles) to or from education: England, average of years 2013 to 2017 (ODS, 8 KB)

NTSQ09005: Average number of trips (trip rates) by trip purpose, region: Taxi and private hire trips only, England: 2008 to 2017 (ODS, 8.81 KB)

NTSQ09006: Average trip length by main mode, purpose, region, including to and from school, England: 2008 to 2017 (ODS, 21.7 KB)

NTSQ09007: Frequency of use of different transport modes by age band, England: 2011 to 2017 (ODS, 8.12 KB)

NTSQ09008: Average number of trips (trip rates) per person per year, distance travelled, trip length and trip duration, by trip purpose, car drivers only: England, 1995/97 to 2017 (ODS, 42.4 KB)

NTSQ09009: Average number of trips, stages, miles and time spent travelling by main mode: England, people aged 16+: 2002 to 2018 (ODS, 39.3 KB)

NTSQ09010: Average stages travelled by mode and region, London residents: 2002 to 2018 (in rolling 5 year averages) (ODS, 23 KB)

NTSQ09011: Party size and lone traveller rate by mode, England: 2002 to 2018 (ODS, 25.1 KB)

NTSQ09012: Average number of trips, stages, miles and time spent travelling by mode, Essex: 2002 to 2019 (ODS, 35.2 KB)

NTSQ09013: Share of adults who have been involved in a road accident in the last 3 years, by road user type reported in latest road accident, by reported frequency of that mode: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 7.22 KB)

NTSQ09014: Proportion of adults who have been involved in a road accident in the last 3 years, by urban or rural location of respondents home: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 9.07 KB)

NTSQ09015: Proportion of adults who have been involved in a road accident in the last 3 years, by road user type reported in latest road accident: England, 2019, 2020, (ODS, 9.43 KB)

NTSQ09016: Details of involvement and injuries sustained in road accidents in previous 3 years, by mode of transport at time of most recent accident and whether accident was reported to police: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 9.59 KB)

NTSQ09017: Details of injuries sustained in road accidents in previous 3 years, by mode of transport at time of most recent accident: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 12 KB)

NTSQ09018: Details of involvement and injuries sustained in road accidents in previous 3 years, by mode of transport at time of most recent accident: England, 2019, 2020 (ODS, 8.75 KB)

NTSQ09019: Support for dedicated cycle lanes and for closing residential streets to through traffic by age group: England, 2019 and 2021 (ODS, 7.85 KB)

NTSQ09020: Average number of trips by selected transport modes - index: London region of residence, 2002 to 2020 (ODS, 12.7 KB)

NTSQ09021: Average distance travelled by selected transport modes - index: London region of residence, 2002 to 2020 (ODS, 15.4 KB)

NTSQ09022: Frequency of use of different transport modes: London, 2003 to 2020 (ODS, 31.3 KB)

NTSQ09023: Where vehicle parked overnight by region of residence: England, 2018, 2020 (ODS, 14.1 KB)

NTSQ09024: Average number of trips (trip rates) under 5 miles by Rural-Urban Classification and main mode: England, 2018 to 2019, 2020 (ODS, 11.4 KB)

NTSQ09025: Frequency of working from home (aged 17+): England, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (ODS, 6.13 KB)

NTSQ09026: Frequency of working from home by sex (aged 17+), England: 2019, 2020 and 2021 (ODS, 6.65 KB)

NTSQ09027: Frequency of working from home by age (aged 17+), England: 2019, 2020 and 2021 (ODS, 8.54 KB)

NTSQ09028: Average miles travelled (trip distance) by main mode, trip length, trip purpose and region and Rural-Urban classification of residence: England, 2015 to 2019 (ODS, 31.6 KB)

NTSQ09029: Proportion of cars people own by fuel type and transmission: England, 2019 to 2023 (ODS, 9.75 KB)

NTSQ09030: Proportion of commuting trips per person per year, by main mode and areas of residence: England, 2022 to 2023 (ODS, 9.68 KB)

NTSQ09031: Average trips by household income quintile and main mode: London region of residence, 2018 and 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 9.89 KB)

NTSQ09032: Whether children aged 7 to 13 are allowed to walk to school alone and why: England, 2003 to 2021 (ODS, 25.6 KB)

NTSQ09033: Whether children aged 7 to 13 are allowed to cross the road alone, and on which roads: England, 2002 to 2018 (ODS, 14.9 KB)

NTSQ09034: Average number of trips by trip purpose, main mode and household car availability: England, 2015 to 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 17.9 KB)

NTSQ09035: Proportion of cars owned by fuel type: England, 2018 to 2021 (ODS, 7.74 KB)

NTSQ09036: Average number of trips by taxi or minicab, by age and sex: London, 2015 to 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 7.54 KB)

NTSQ09037: Trips by 'Other Local Bus', household personal car access and income quintile: England without London, 2018 to 2021 (ODS, 12 KB)

NTSQ09038: Average number of other local bus trips (trip rates) by age: England, 2010 to 2019 (aggregated) (ODS, 8.09 KB)

NTSQ09039: Car or van driver trips per person per year by age: England, 2021 (ODS, 7.2 KB)

NTSQ09040: Percentage of all trips and car trips by region of origin and destination: England, 2019, 2022 (ODS, 29.4 KB)

NTSQ09041: Proportion of trips which are public transport by rural-urban classification of residence excluding London and London: England, 2002 to 2022 (ODS, 11.9 KB)

NTSQ09042: End to end journeys: England, 2023 (ODS, 61.6 KB)

NTSQ09043: Public transport end to end journeys: England, 2023 (ODS, 39.7 KB)

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National Travel Survey statistics

Updates to this page

Published 31 January 2019
Last updated 28 August 2024 show all updates
  1. Data tables updated.

  2. Data tables added.

  3. Data tables updated and added to the page.

  4. Data table about barriers and encouragements to cycling and walking, including walking to school (NTSQ03013) added to the data series.

  5. Reference to table numbers "National Travel Survey Ad-hoc" has been changed to "National Travel Survey Query" to avoid confusion with the National Travel Attitudes Study. New data tables added.

  6. Updated for 31st July 2019 publication.

  7. First published.