Statistical data set

Ad-hoc statistical analysis: 2020/21 Quarter 1

A list of additional ad-hoc analyses not included in any of our standard publications.

This page lists ad-hoc statistics released during the period April - June 2020. These are additional analyses not included in any of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s standard publications.

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April 2020 - DCMS Economic Estimates: Experimental quarterly GVA for time series analysis

These are experimental estimates of the quarterly GVA in chained volume measures by DCMS sectors and subsectors between 2010 and 2018, which have been produced to help the department estimate the effect of shocks to the economy. Due to substantial revisions to the base data and methodology used to construct the tourism satellite account, estimates for the tourism sector are only available for 2017. For this reason “All DCMS Sectors” excludes tourism. Further, as chained volume measures are not available for Civil Society at present, this sector is also not included.

The methods used to produce these estimates are experimental. The data here are not comparable to those published previously and users should refer to the annual reports for estimates of GVA by businesses in DCMS sectors.

GVA generated by businesses in DCMS sectors (excluding Tourism and Civil Society) increased by 31.0% between the fourth quarters of 2010 and 2018. The UK economy grew by 16.7% over the same period.

All individual DCMS sectors (excluding Tourism and Civil Society) grew faster than the UK average between quarter 4 of 2010 and 2018, apart from the Telecoms sector, which decreased by 10.1%.

April 2020 - Proportion of total DCMS sector turnover generated by businesses in different employment and turnover bands, 2017

This data shows the proportion of the total turnover in DCMS sectors in 2017 that was generated by businesses according to individual businesses turnover, and by the number of employees.

In 2017 a larger share of total turnover was generated by DCMS sector businesses with an annual turnover of less than one million pounds (11.4%) than the UK average (8.6%). In general, individual DCMS sectors tended to have a higher proportion of total turnover generated by businesses with individual turnover of less than one million pounds, with the exception of the Gambling (0.2%), Digital (8.2%) and Telecoms (2.0%, wholly within Digital) sectors.

DCMS sectors tended to have a higher proportion of total turnover generated by large (250 employees or more) businesses (57.8%) than the UK average (51.4%). The exceptions were the Creative Industries (41.7%) and the Cultural sector (42.4%). Of all DCMS sectors, the Gambling sector had the highest proportion of total turnover generated by large businesses (97.5%).

April 2020 - Employment in DCMS sectors and subsectors by length of time with current main employer

This analysis was done to estimate the number of self-employed people on short term contracts in DCMS sectors. Data were not available on length of contract, instead these figures show the number of people whose main or first job was in a DCMS sector in 2018 by nature of employment (employed vs self-employed) and length of time in current main job. As these figures only include first or main jobs, they are not comparable to the DCMS Economic Estimates: Employment series, which should be referred to as the primary source for estimates of employment in DCMS sectors.

Due to substantial revisions to the base data and methodology used to construct the tourism satellite account, estimates for the tourism sector are only available for 2017. For this reason “All DCMS Sectors” excludes tourism.

The data show that people working in DCMS sectors in 2018 were more likely to be self employed than the UK average (20.3% vs 15.1%), and about as likely to have been in post for less than a year (16.8% vs 16.1%). Subsectors with particularly high proportions of people who had been in post for fewer than 3 months were ‘Museums and Galleries’ (7.3%), ‘Advertising and Marketing’ (6.8%), and ‘Information service activities’ (6.5%). Subsectors with particularly high rates of self employment were Arts (71.0%), Photography (69.4%), and Cultural education (66.7%).

May 2020 - Employees in DCMS Sectors by industry, 2019, with estimated furlough rates

This analysis shows the total number of DCMS Sector employees by standard industrial sections in 2019. The largest DCMS Sector was Creative Industries (1.4 million employees), the majority of which worked in the ‘Information and Communication’ section.The smallest DCMS Sector was Gambling (71 thousand employees), all of which worked in the ‘Arts, Entertainment and Recreation’ section.

May 2020 - Employees in DCMS clusters by industry, 2019, with estimated furlough rates

This analysis shows the total number of employees in DCMS industries by DCMS cluster and standard industrial sections in 2019. The largest DCMS Cluster was Digital (1.0 million employees), the majority of which worked in the ‘Information and Communication’ section.The smallest DCMS Sector was Gambling (71 thousand employees), all of whom worked in the ‘Arts, Entertainment and Recreation’ section.

May 2020 - Employment in DCMS clusters by various demographic characteristics, 2019

This analysis provides the number of filled jobs in DCMS clusters and the Civil Society and Tourism sectors, by various demographic characteristics, in 2019. This release uses an experimental method to produce demographic estimates for the tourism sector. Users interested in total employment in the tourism sector should refer instead to the standard DCMS Sector Employment release.

In 2019, DCMS Sectors contained 5.2 million filled jobs, accounting for 15.5% of all UK jobs. The largest individual cluster was Digital (1.2 million jobs), followed by Design and Media (0.9 million jobs). The sector with the lowest number of jobs was Gambling (76 thousand).

May 2020 - GVA by industries in DCMS clusters, 2018

This analysis provides the Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2018 for DCMS clusters and for Civil Society. The figures show that In 2018, the DCMS Clusters (excluding Tourism) contributed £224.4 bn to the UK economy, accounting for 11.7% of UK GVA (expressed in current prices). The largest cluster was Digital, which added £116 bn in GVA in 2018, and the smallest was Gambling (£8.7 bn).

GVA by industries in DCMS clusters, 2018

May 2020 - Employment in DCMS clusters by home and work location (NUTS2), 2019

This analysis shows the number of filled jobs in DCMS clusters by home and work location for 2019. Location information is given at sub-regional (NUTS2) level. The area with the highest number of filled jobs across all DCMS industries was ‘Inner London - West”, except for the sport cluster, where the highest number of filled jobs was in ‘Surrey, East and West Sussex’. The area which housed the highest number of people who work in DCMS industries was “Inner London - East”, except for the Digital Cluster (“Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire”), the sport cluster (“Surrey, East and West Sussex”), and the Civil Society sector (“Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bath/Bristol area”). Figures are not given for the number of filled jobs in DCMS sectors that are overseas.

May 2020 - Regional GVA by industries in DCMS clusters, 2018

This analysis estimates the Gross Value Added by businesses in DCMS industries by UK region and DCMS cluster in 2018. It does not include estimates for Tourism or Civil Society.

The largest DCMS cluster was Digital. Businesses in this cluster generated £115.2 bn in 2018, the majority of which was in London (28.9%) and the South East (23.4%). Gambling, the smallest cluster, (£8.7 bn in 2018), was more evenly distributed, with no region contributing more than 14% to the total cluster GVA.

May 2020 - Number of businesses in DCMS clusters by standard industrial section, 2017

This analysis shows the number of businesses in DCMS clusters by standard industrial section in 2017. Tourism and Civil Society are not included as figures cannot be provided on a comparable basis.

The Digital cluster had the highest number of businesses (194 thousand), followed by the Design and Media cluster (115 thousand). The Gambling sector had the smallest number of businesses (1 thousand).

June 2020 - Turnover and resilience of businesses in DCMS sub-clusters

This publication provides a breakdown of total turnover for each DCMS sub-cluster by business turnover band, and shows that the largest businesses generate the majority of the turnover. The publication also includes further breakdowns (business resilience by turnover band) of the DCMS Coronavirus Business Survey results. The majority (57.4%) of DCMS sector businesses reported that they could continue to trade for at least 3 months, however 5.1% reported that they had ceased trading.

Updates to this page

Published 9 April 2020
Last updated 10 June 2020
  1. Uploaded new figures on turnover and business resilience

  2. Included further ad hocs on employment, business demographics and regional GVA

  3. We have uploaded the following analysis: - number of employees by DCMS cluster and standard industrial section (2019) - number of filled jobs in DCMS clusters by various demographic characteristics (2019) - GVA by industries in DCMS clusters (2018)

  4. Uploaded figures for the number of employees in DCMS sectors by standard industrial section.

  5. Published analysis of employment in DCMS sectors (main job only) by length of time in current post.

  6. First published.