Agricultural land ownership and tenure in England
Detailed annual statistics on the ownership and tenure structure of agricultural land at 1 June in England.
This data series shows agricultural land areas which are owned/rented and the tenancy structures of holdings in England at 1 June each year. The results come from the annual Defra June survey of agriculture and horticulture.
The tenure type dataset shows the total areas of owned and rented land by agreement type.
The tenure structure dataset shows whether a farm is solely owned, solely rented or a mixture of the two. The data are presented to show the number of holdings by tenure structure and the total agricultural area on these holdings. Proportional splits are also included.
Defra statistics: farming
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Update dataset.
Update dataset.
Updated tenure structure tab in the dataset to include June 2023 data.
Tenure structures table now includes 2022 data. Also added land ownership areas to the dataset and provided more detailed information on content in dataset.
Contents page updated. New guidance provided about where to find statistics on farmed areas broken down by land use and cropping type plus areas of owned and rented land by agreement type. No change to the statistical content.
First published.