Statistical data set

Asylum and resettlement datasets

Listing of the detailed asylum and resettlement datasets.

This page contains data for the immigration system statistics up to March 2023.

For current immigration system data, visit ‘Immigration system statistics data tables’.

Asylum applications, decisions and resettlement

Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 9.13 MB)
Asy_D01: Asylum applications raised, by nationality, age, sex, UASC, applicant type, and location of application
Asy_D02: Outcomes of asylum applications at initial decision, and refugees resettled in the UK, by nationality, age, sex, applicant type, and UASC

Asylum applications awaiting a decision (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.26 MB)
Asy_D03: Asylum applications awaiting an initial decision or further review, by nationality and applicant type

Outcome analysis of asylum applications (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 410 KB)
Asy_D04: The initial decision and final outcome of all asylum applications raised in a period, by nationality

Age disputes

Age disputes (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 178 KB)
Asy_D05: Age disputes raised and outcomes of age disputes

Asylum appeals

Asylum appeals lodged and determined (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 817 KB)
Asy_D06: Asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex
Asy_D07: Outcomes of asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex

Asylum claims certified under Section 94 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 150 KB)
Asy_D08: Initial decisions on asylum applications certified under Section 94, by nationality

Asylum support

Asylum seekers in receipt of support (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 2.16 MB)
Asy_D09: Asylum seekers in receipt of support at end of period, by nationality, support type, accommodation type, and UK region

Applications for section 95 support (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 208 KB)
Asy_D10: Applications for section 95 support, by nationality, support type granted, and group type

Dublin regulation

Dublin regulation (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 173 KB)
Dub_D01: Transfers and requests for transfer under the Dublin regulation, by EU member state and article

Family reunion

Family reunion visa grants (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 338 KB)
Fam_D01: Family reunion visas granted to family members of refugees, by nationality, sex and age

Local authority data

Resettlement by local authority (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 177 KB)
Res_D01: Refugees resettled by resettlement scheme and local authority

Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 819 KB)
Asy_D11: Asylum seekers in receipt of support by support type, accommodation type and local authority

Updates to this page

Published 22 August 2019
Last updated 24 August 2023 show all updates
  1. This statistical dataset page has been superseded by the Immigration system statistics data tables page [].

  2. Updated to accompany the publication of 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2023'

  3. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2022'.

  4. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2022'.

  5. Following an internal quality assurance exercise, we have revised the number of asylum applications awaiting a decision as at 30 June 2022. We have identified an issue with data on asylum support at the end of June 2022. We have therefore removed the data for the latest period to end June 2022 while we investigate and will provide an update in the next Immigration Statistics release. Data for earlier periods are not affected. These changes have been reflected in the topic “How many people do we grant asylum or protection to?” and the underlying data tables, 'Asy_D03: Asylum applications awaiting an initial decision or further review, by nationality and applicant type', 'Asy_D09: Asylum seekers in receipt of support at end of period, by nationality, support type, and UK region', 'Asy_D11: Asylum seekers in receipt of section 95 and section 4 support by local authority' and 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending June 2022'.

  6. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2022'.

  7. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2022'.

  8. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2021'.

  9. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2021'.

  10. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2021'.

  11. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2021' and Table 'Res_D01: Refugees resettled under the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS) and Vulnerable Children Resettlement Scheme (VCRS) by local authority' renamed to 'Res_D01: Refugees resettled by resettlement scheme and local authority.

  12. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2020'.

  13. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2020'.

  14. 'Resettlement by Local Authority’ workbook published date amended from 21 May 2020 to 28 August 2020.

  15. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2020'.

  16. Updated to accompany publication of 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2020'.

  17. 'Family reunion visa grants' updated to second edition, correcting labelling issue for some regions in Fam_D01 for 2019 Q4 data.

  18. Following feedback from users, some of the datasets have been combined into one Excel workbook. Additionally, more detailed descriptions of each dataset are now provided on the page.

  19. First published.