Statistical data set

Buses: statistical tables index

An index sheet of all bus related statistical tables.

Bus data tables index

Bus data tables index

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Updates to this page

Published 24 September 2013
Last updated 30 November 2023 show all updates
  1. Bus table index updated for the annual bus statistics, year ending March 2023 and the latest quarterly bus fares report for July to September 2023.

  2. Bus table index updated for the annual bus statistics, year ending March 2022 and the latest quarterly bus fares report for July to September 2022.

  3. Tables index updated to show the added tables for the annual bus statistics, year ending March 2021 report.

  4. Index of bus tables updated to show 3 new tables - BUS0609, BUS0610 and BUS0705.

  5. Table index updated.

  6. Bus tables index updated.

  7. Bus table index updated.

  8. Bus tables index document updated.

  9. First published.