Statistical data set

DCMS Community Life Survey: Ad-hoc statistical releases

This page lists links to ad hoc statistical analyses on Community Life Survey results that have not been included in our standard publications.

The table below lists links to ad hoc statistical analyses on the Community Life Survey that have not been included in our standard publications.

Community Life Survey: Reasons for pride/lack of pride in local area by age group, 2023/24 (ODS, 15.1 KB)

Community Life Survey: Feeling able to influence decisions affecting the local area by citizenship and household income, 2019/20 to 2021/22 (ODS, 10.9 KB)

Community Life Survey: Strength of community variables by Output Area Classification, 2017/18 to 2020/21 (ODS, 111 KB)

Community Life Survey: Volunteering in the Heritage Sector, 2021/22 (ODS, 10.8 KB)

Community Life Survey: Further estimates on volunteering trends in England (ODS, 62.2 KB)

Community Life Survey: Formal volunteering in groups, clubs or organisations, 2019/20 to 2020/21 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 67.5 KB)

Community Life Survey: Feeling of being able to influence decisions that affect your local area, 2020/2021 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 70.6 KB)

Community Life Survey: Further estimates of levels of loneliness in London and England 2017-18 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 83.3 KB)

Community Life Survey: Frequency of chatting to neighbours 2017-18 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 27.6 KB)

Feeling of being able to influence decisions affecting the local area by citizenship and household income, 2013-14 to 2018-19, England, Community Life Survey (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 55.3 KB)

Community Life Survey: Diversity of friendships by ethnicity, 2017-18 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 45.3 KB)

Community Life Survey: Volunteering by Citizenship, 2017-18 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 55.8 KB)

Community Life Survey: Volunteering demographics in North West England, 2016-17 to 2017-18 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 43.4 KB)

Further Estimates from the Community Life Survey, 2013-14 to 2016-17 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 55.5 KB)

Updates to this page

Published 31 August 2018
Last updated 19 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Addition of new ad-hoc analysis on pride/lack of pride in local area by age group

  2. Added 'Community Life Survey: Feeling able to influence decisions affecting the local area by citizenship and household income, 2019-20 to 2020-21'

  3. Added Community Life Survey: Strength of community variables by Output Area Classification, 2017/18 to 2020/21.

  4. Added Community Life Survey: Volunteering in the Heritage Sector, 2021/22

  5. Added Community Life Survey: Further estimates on volunteering trends in England.

  6. Added tables for frequency of chatting to neighbours (England) and for further estimates of loneliness (London and England).

  7. Added an ad-hoc on whether people feel they can influence decisions affecting their local area

  8. This page has been updated on 11th January 2019 to include additional analyses on volunteering by citizenship and diversity of friendship group by ethnicity.

  9. First published.