Transport energy and environment: data tables (ENV)
Data about fuel consumption and emissions for different transport modes.
Note that data tables in the transport energy and environment series are updated based on the most recently available data sources. As such the period of coverage will differ between tables. Each table name provides the period covered by the data.
Fuel consumption (ENV01)
Greenhouse gas emissions (ENV02)
Pollutants, emissions and noise (ENV03)
Emissions from journeys (ENV07)
Note that the current version of ENV0701 covers journey emissions estimates for 2023 and was last updated in October 2023. An update to this data is expected in 2025. The methodology for this analysis can be found on the transport energy and environment statistics information page.
Discontinued tables
The following data tables have been discontinued, either because they have moved to a new location or because of data quality review. The most recently updated versions are available here for transparency.
We recommend using data from the Vehicle Certification Agency for car fuel consumption data.
Heavy good vehicle fuel consumption has been discontinued as the data is not currently considered robust enough to meet our quality standards. This is subject to review. Related road freight statistics are available.
Renewable fuel statistics data is now published in a separate collection.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure statistics are now published in a separate collection.
Contact us
Transport energy and environment statistics
Media enquiries 0300 7777 878
Updates to this page
Data table ENV0303 updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2024.
Data tables updated as part of the Transport and Environment statistics 2024 release.
Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2023.
Data tables on greenhouse gas emissions by transport mode, carbon dioxide emissions by transport mode, air pollutant emissions by transport mode and emissions from journeys by mode updated.
Data tables on petroleum consumption by transport mode and fuel type, energy consumption by transport mode and energy source, petrol and diesel prices and duties, average emissions from road vehicles in urban conditions and aircraft noise updated for the latest Transport Statistics Great Britain report.
Data table on emissions from journeys across the United Kingdom added.
Energy and environment data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.
Data table on emissions from journeys across the United Kingdom added.
Data tables (except. ENV0104) updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2020.
Dataset page updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019 and electric vehicle charging devices publications.
First published.