Official Statistics

Single Data List - local sites in positive conservation management

An annual publication on local sites across England in positive conservation.

Applies to England



This publication contains information on local sites (ie sites designated locally for their substantive nature conservation importance, either for wildlife or geology). These sites are being managed so as to preserve their nature conservation interest (ie are in “positive conservation management”).

The data allows assessment of the proportion (percentage) of the total number of local sites in England where positive conservation management is being implemented, or has been in the last 5 years. Assessing the extent of positive management can help to identify sites where such management is lacking. This will help to concentrate the efforts of local site partnerships in ensuring the sites are managed appropriately, and their nature conservation value is maintained or enhanced.

Defra statistics: Biodiversity and Wildlife

Updates to this page

Published 29 November 2012
Last updated 25 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Annual update.

  2. Data amended for the missing returns of two local authorities.

  3. Annual update.

  4. First paragraph of text removed from the details section because user engagement exercise has been concluded and we will continue to publish this release.

  5. Annual update to publication.

  6. Note posted on landing page to say that Defra will not be collecting data from local authorities (LAs) this year in order to update and publish in Jan 2022

  7. Additional paragraph added explaining break in the series due to various restrictions relating to the Covid 19 pandemic.

  8. Annual update.

  9. This statistical release has been run through the accessibility check and is now fully compliant with the accessibility requirements. It has therefore been republished.

  10. Annual update.

  11. Annual update.

  12. Annual update.

  13. New figures for 2014 to 2015 published

  14. amended release and dataset

  15. New local sites release published.

  16. New release with figures 2008-9 to 2012-13

  17. First published.

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