ENV15 - Water abstraction tables for England
Annual water abstraction estimates for England.
Data on the number of licenses held and estimates of average abstraction in millions of cubic metres are presented for non tidal waters (groundwater and non tidal surface waters) and tidal waters, and by the following purpose categories:
- public water supply
- spray irrigation (agricultural and non agricultural)
- agriculture (excl. spray irrigation)
- electricity generation
- other industry
- fish farming, cress growing, amenity ponds
- private water supply
- other
If you require the data in another format such as Excel please contact: enviro.statistics@defra.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Updated with data for 2018 added.
Annual updates.
Due to historic errors in the 2003 and 2014 data.
Annual update.
Annual updates to datasets.
Title of one attachment amended.
Annual updates to datasets for water abstraction publication.
New abstraction data published
Updated edition
Amended table iwtb23c uploaded.
First published.