ENV18 - Local authority collected waste: annual results tables (Historical)
Final annual results for local authority collected waste and management figures for England.
These datasets contain the annual results for local authority collected waste in England.
If you require the data in another format please contact: enviro.statistics@defra.gov.uk or visit the waste pages on Data.Gov.UK
Updates to this page
2021/22 datasets added.
Minor amendments involving changes to notes.
2020/21 data added.
New annual publication including data for 2019/20.
Amendments made to ensure datasets are fully accessible.
Minor amendments made to figures.
2 datasets removed and placed on Data.Gov.UK.
Latest 2018-19 figures released as part of annual update.
Minor aesthetic revisions applied. Further amendments made to metadata and fixes made to zooming issues.
2017/18 datasets.
Annual updates.
Updates to 2 spread sheets with amended figures.
New local authority collected waste data published to March 2016.
New annual waste figures published
New datasets published.
Amendments made to data and title changed.
Minor amendment to data.
Minor amendment to data.
Minor amendment to table 6.
2013 figures
Unnecessary table removed from the spreadsheet.
First published.