Statistical data set

Family food datasets

Detailed annual statistics on family food and drink purchases.

These family food datasets contain more detailed information than the ‘Family Food’ report and mainly provide statistics from 2001 onwards. The UK household purchases and the UK household expenditure spreadsheets include statistics from 1974 onwards. These spreadsheets are updated annually when a new edition of the ‘Family Food’ report is published.

The ‘purchases’ spreadsheets give the average quantity of food and drink purchased per person per week for each food and drink category. The ‘nutrient intake’ spreadsheets give the average nutrient intake (eg energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibre, minerals and vitamins) from food and drink per person per day. The ‘expenditure’ spreadsheets give the average amount spent in pence per person per week on each type of food and drink. Several different breakdowns are provided in addition to the UK averages including figures by region, income, household composition and characteristics of the household reference person.

UK (updated with new FYE 2023 data)

countries and regions (CR) (updated with FYE 2022 data)

equivalised income decile group (EID) (updated with FYE 2022 data)

countries and regions (CR) (updated with 2018/19 data)

equivalised income decile group (EID) (updated with 2018/19 data)

age of household reference person (AGE) (updated with 2018/19 data)

household composition (HC) (updated with 2018/19 data)

ethnic origin group of the household reference person (ETH) (updated with 2017/18 and 2018/19 data)

economic status of the household reference person (ECON) (updated with 2017/18 and 2018/19 data)

rural and urban (RU) (updated with revised 2016/17 data)

gross income quintile group (GIQ) (updated with revised 2016/17 data)

age the household reference person ceased full-time education (AED) (updated with revised 2016/17 data)

occupation of the household reference person (OCC) (updated with revised 2016/17 data)

Codebank files

Each year we compile summary data files from the diary entries, and this summary data is used to create the datasets. We call these ‘codebanks’. This year we are again providing some of these files in machine readable .csv format for anyone to re-use. We are offering the files relating to the datasets we have updated with 2020/21 data. Previous year codebank files are now available on request. If you find these codebank files useful please let us know.

Codebank glossary

Term Definition
q Quantity
w Weight
m Members of the household
combined_desc Demographic code concatenated with the food code
Estimate 0.5*(qw/mw)
calc1 qw^2/(qw*qw)
calc2 2qwmw/(qwmw)
calc3 mw^2/(mw*mw)
Standard_error estimate*sqrt(calc1-calc2+calc3)
residual_standard_error standard_error*100/estimate

FYE 2023 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure
UK Cons_UK_FYE2023.csv Exp_UK_FYE2023.csv
Region Cons_GOR_FYE2023.csv Exp_GOR_202223.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_FYE2023.csv Exp_EID_FYE2023.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_FYE2023.csv Exp_HC_FYE2023.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_FYE2023.csv Exp_AGE_FYE2023.csv
Rural Urban Cons_RURALURBAN_FYE2023.csv Exp_RURALURBAN_FYE2023.csv

FYE 2022 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure
UK Cons_UK_FYE2022.csv Exp_UK_FYE2022.csv
Region Cons_CR_FYE2022.csv Exp_CR_FYE2022.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_FYE2022.csv Exp_EID_FYE2022.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_FYE2022.csv Exp_HC_FYE2022.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_FYE2022.csv Exp_AGE_FYE2022.csv
Rural Urban Cons_RURALURBAN_FYE2022.csv Exp_RURALURBAN_FYE2022.csv

2020/21 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure
UK Cons_UK_202021.csv Exp_UK_202021.csv
Region Cons_CR_202021.csv Exp_CR_202021.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_202021.csv Exp_EID_202021.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_202021.csv Exp_HC_202021.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_202021.csv Exp_AGE_202021.csv

2019/20 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure
UK Cons_UK_201920.csv Exp_UK_201920.csv
Region Cons_CR_201920.csv Exp_CR_201920.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_201920.csv Exp_EID_201920.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_201920.csv Exp_HC_201920.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_201920.csv Exp_AGE_201920.csv
Ethnic origin group of Household Reference Person Cons_ETH_201920.csv Exp_ETH_201920.csv

2018/19 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure Nutrient Intakes
UK Cons_UK_201819.csv Exp_UK_201819.csv Int_UK_201819.csv
Region Cons_CR_201819.csv Exp_CR_201819.csv Int_CR_201819.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_201819.csv Exp_EID_201819.csv Int_EID_201819.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_201819.csv Exp_HC_201819.csv Int_HC_201819.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_201819.csv Exp_AGE_201819.csv Int_AGE_201819.csv
Ethnic origin group of Household Reference Person Cons_ETH_201819.csv Exp_ETH_201819.csv Int_ETH_201819.csv
Economic activity of Household Reference Person Cons_ECON_201819.csv Exp_ECON_201819.csv Int_ECON_201819.csv

2017/18 Codebank files

Purchases Expenditure Nutrient Intakes
UK Cons_UK_201718.csv Exp_UK_201718.csv Int_UK_201718.csv
Country or Region Cons_CR_201718.csv Exp_CR_201718.csv Int_CR_201718.csv
Equivalised Income Decile Cons_EID_201718.csv Exp_EID_201718.csv Int_EID_201718.csv
Household Composition Cons_HC_201718.csv Exp_HC_201718.csv Int_HC_201718.csv
Age of Household Reference Person Cons_AGE_201718.csv Exp_AGE_201718.csv Int_AGE_201718.csv
Ethnic origin group of Household Reference Person Cons_ETH_201718.csv Exp_ETH_201718.csv Int_ETH_201718.csv
Economic status of Household Reference Person Cons_ECON_201718.csv Exp_ECON_201718.csv Int_ECON_201718.csv

Defra statistics: family food

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Updates to this page

Published 13 December 2012
Last updated 17 October 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added complete Codebank files.

  2. Updated with 2023 data.

  3. Further issues addressed with the 2022 datasets.

  4. Updated one of the datasets due to some QA issues.

  5. Adding supplementary datasets to accompany release of FYE 2022.

  6. Added the datasets for the FYE 2022 edition.

  7. Added a code bank glossary as a html table to explain the formulas used.

  8. Uploaded the code banks of expenditure and purchases data based on ethnicity of household reference person for 2019/20 due to this being requested in our shared mailbox.

  9. Two unnecessary columns included on the Countries and Regions code bank for 20/21 have been taken off. Also, some of the 19/20 attachments needed to be saved in csv format for accessibility as they were previously xls.

  10. Edited and added new code banks to accompany the datasets.

  11. Had to update a code bank CSV file under 20/21 as it had 19/20 expenditure data.

  12. Reuploaded the expenditure dataset as two columns were hidden.

  13. Needed to reupload expenditure data for 20/21. Also, updated corrected 20/21 codebank links.

  14. To update datasets for Family Food to accompany the release of the main report.

  15. Uploaded a new version of the dataset for UK Household purchases (financial year 19/20) to include some corrections that needed to be made.

  16. Updated with 2019/20 UK datasets and 2019/20 UK codebank files.

  17. Revised 2018/19 codebank files to correct column registration.

  18. Amending tables of codebank links for improved legibility.

  19. Updated with 2018/19 datasets and 2018/19 codebank files.

  20. Corrected missing data in the Household Composition (HC) household purchases dataset.

  21. Amended copy of equivalised income decile group (EID) expenditure dataset.

  22. Updated with 2017/18 datasets for UK, Regional, Equivalised incomes, Age of Household Reference Person, and Household Composition; and all datasets updated with revised 2016/17 data. 2017/18 machine-readable data files for UK, regional, equivalised income decile, household composition and age of household reference person.

  23. Updated all datasets with 2015/16 and 2016/17 data.

  24. Updated with datasets for 2015.

  25. Updated the Countries and Regions eating out purchases dataset to correct an error in the data.

  26. Updated the CR household purchases dataset to correct an error in the data.

  27. Amended Expenditure dataset under countries and regions section.

  28. Updated datasets to include figures for 2014.

  29. Updated datasets to include figures for 2013.

  30. All data sets updated to include figures for 2012.

  31. First published.