Statistical data set

Farm business income, net farm income and cash income time series

Annual time series of the main measures of farm income from the Farm Business Survey.

This page is no longer updated. The datasets are now updated on the main Farm business income page.

This time series includes annual statistics for farm business income, net farm income and cash income. These are the three main measures of farm income that come from the Farm Business Survey. The figures are broken down by the main types of farm (eg cereals, dairy, specialist pigs).

Farm income statistics

Defra statistics: farm business survey

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Updates to this page

Published 11 February 2013
Last updated 8 November 2022 show all updates
  1. This page is no longer updated. The datasets are now updated on the main. Farm business income page.

  2. Added updated time series datasets.

  3. Added latest datasets, 2019/20 figures.

  4. Updated with revised data.

  5. Added latest datasets, 2018/19 figures.

  6. Updated dataset to include 2017/18 data and added csv file. .

  7. Updated survey data for a poultry farm resulting in a minor change to the 2016/17 average income for that farm type.

  8. Corrected cash income 2016/17 real term prices.

  9. Updated with Farm Busines Income forecast 2016/17 dataset.

  10. Minor updates to 2015/16.

  11. Updated with 2015/16 outturn figures.

  12. Updated with 2015/16 forecast figures.

  13. Dataset updated with 2014/15 data.

  14. Farm business income, net farm income and cash income time series updated.

  15. Updated for Farm Business Income 2014/15.

  16. Updated with revised 2013/14 figures.

  17. Updated to include 2013/14 figures.

  18. Updated to include 2013/14 forecast figures.

  19. Updated figures for 2012/12.

  20. Formatting of figures amended.

  21. First published.