Statistical data set

FE Choices: performance indicators

Clear and comparable information to help you as a learner and employer make informed choices about post-16 further education and training.

This information is based on the following performance indicators:

  • success rates - a measure of the rate of success for learners attending FE courses
  • learner destinations (including Employment Rate and Learning Rate) - a measure of where a learner gained a positive destination after completing their FE course and the resulting Learning and and Employment Rates
  • learner satisfaction - a measure of the satisfaction expressed by learners attending courses run by their provider
  • employer satisfaction - a measure of the satisfaction expressed by employers who use their provider to train their employers

FE Choices also helps further education organisations to assess their own performance.

If you have any queries please contact or 0370 267 0001

2015 to 2016 employer satisfaction

The employer satisfaction survey captures employers’ experiences of their training.

2014 to 2015 learner satisfaction update

The learner satisfaction survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation. This update relates to Higher Education Institutions.

2013 to 2014 Learner Satisfaction update

The learner satisfaction survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation. This update relates to Higher Education Institutions.

2015 to 2016 learner satisfaction

The learner satisfaction survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation.

2014 to 2015 learner satisfaction

The learner satisfaction survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation.

2014 to 2015 employer satisfaction

The employer satisfaction survey captures employers’ experiences of their training.

2012 to 2013 success rates

These success rates are a measure of the quality of programmes run by providers in a particular academic year.

2014 to 2015 national achievement rates tables

Apprenticeship and education and training national achievement rates tables

FE Choices organisations provider employer satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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FE Choices organisations skills area employer satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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FE Choices organisations response employer satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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FE Choices employer satisfaction open data user guide

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FE Choices: May 2014

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FE Choices: summary, performance indicators

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FE Choices: organisations, responses, learner destinations

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FE Choices: organisations, destinations, learner destinations

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FE Choices: organisations, history, learner destinations

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FE Choices: organisations, responses, learning rate

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FE Choices: organisations, destinations, learning rate

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FE Choices: organisations, history, learning rate

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FE Choices: organisations, responses, employer rate

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FE Choices: organisations, destinations, employer rate

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FE Choices: organisations, history, employer rate

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FE Choices: organisations, responses, learner satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, questions, learner satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, history, learner satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, skills area, learner satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, responses, employer satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, questions, employer satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, history, employer satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, skills area, employer satisfaction

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FE Choices: organisations, details

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FE Choices: organisations, addresses

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FE Choices November 2014

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FE Choices organisations provider learner satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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FE Choices organisations response learner satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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FE Choices organisations questions learner satisfaction 2013 to 2014

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Updates to this page

Published 29 May 2014
Last updated 13 October 2016 show all updates
  1. Page updated to include information about the FE Choice employer satisfaction survey 2015 to 2016 on 13 October 2016.

  2. New link to FE Choices learner satisfaction survey 2015 to 2016 added to page on 17 June 2016.

  3. Files deleted and links provided to relevant pages on GOV.UK for reference. Completed on 14 June 2016.

  4. FE Choices employer satisfaction open data user guide uploaded on 18 February 2016.

  5. New file titled FE Choices September 2015 uploaded on 3 September 2015.

  6. FE Choices May 2015 file uploaded on 28 May 2015.

  7. New file entitled FE Choices organisations response employer satisfaction uploaded on 28 May 2015.

  8. Two new files: * FE Choices organisations provider employer satisfaction 2013 to 2014 * FE Choices organisations skills area employer satisfaction 2013 to 2014 uploaded on 28 May 2015.

  9. First published.